A quick menÂtion: The RoyÂal SociÂety, the UK’s nationÂal acadÂeÂmy of sciÂence, will celÂeÂbrate next year its 350th anniverÂsary. To mark the occaÂsion, a team of sciÂenÂtists and hisÂtoÂriÂans have launched a new web site called “TrailÂblazÂing,” and it essenÂtialÂly lets you take a virÂtuÂal tour through three and a half cenÂturies of sciÂenÂtifÂic disÂcovÂery (1660–2010). MovÂing at your own pace, you can review key sciÂenÂtifÂic disÂcovÂerÂies (some of them famous, some of them less so) and read corÂreÂspondÂing comÂmenÂtary on each one. Quite niceÂly, all of the comÂmenÂtary can be downÂloaded via one big PDF file. (It runs about 110 pages long.)
Thanks to PhanÂtom EngiÂneer for the tip here. And thanks all for the many leads I’ve received lateÂly. They’re all realÂly appreÂciÂatÂed, and they frankly make the site much betÂter. Keep ’em comÂing.