Today, AmanÂda Coolidge (British ColumÂbia InstiÂtute of TechÂnolÂoÂgy) joins us and talks about what’s hapÂpenÂing with Open EduÂcaÂtionÂal Resources (OER) in Africa. Down the line, she’ll be blogÂging about OER in othÂer parts of the world as well. Take it away AmanÂda.
Over 500,000 NigerÂian teachÂers need teacher trainÂing and you can bet this is going to be a chalÂlenge. Africa is workÂing toward the UN MilÂlenÂniÂum goal of free eduÂcaÂtion for all by 2010. Still, teachÂers and stuÂdents across Africa need resources in and outÂside of the classÂroom and, like anyÂwhere else in the world, they need resources develÂoped in the conÂtext of their own enviÂronÂment and culÂture.
The good news is that one of the world’s most comÂpreÂhenÂsive open eduÂcaÂtionÂal resource reposÂiÂtoÂries in teacher eduÂcaÂtion is called “TESSA: Teacher EduÂcaÂtion in Sub SahaÂran Africa”. TESSA has proÂduced a large bank of mateÂriÂals directÂly aimed at enhancÂing and improvÂing access to, and the qualÂiÂty of, local school-based eduÂcaÂtion and trainÂing for teachÂers. These mateÂriÂals (includÂing audio and othÂer media) are modÂuÂlar in forÂmat. They focus on classÂroom pracÂtice in the areas of litÂerÂaÂcy, numerÂaÂcy, sciÂence, social studÂies and the arts, and life skills. All the mateÂriÂals are availÂable through this webÂsite in a variÂety of difÂferÂent forÂmats and in 5 difÂferÂent lanÂguages.
Since TESSA was launched in June 2008, the response from the Open Resource comÂmuÂniÂty globÂalÂly has been gratÂiÂfyÂingÂly posÂiÂtive.
“The TESSA mateÂriÂals are easÂiÂly locatÂed in the enviÂronÂment around us withÂout havÂing to travÂel long disÂtances at high cost”
Teacher, TanÂzaÂnia
“perÂhaps the most sucÂcessÂful of all the OER projects we have heard about”
Sir John Daniel, PresÂiÂdent and Chief ExecÂuÂtive OffiÂcer, ComÂmonÂwealth of LearnÂing
AmanÂda Coolidge is curÂrentÂly EduÂcaÂtionÂal TechÂnolÂoÂgist at the British ColumÂbia InstiÂtute of TechÂnolÂoÂgy (BCIT) in VanÂcouÂver, BC. She was preÂviÂousÂly with the Open UniÂverÂsiÂty UK and BBC based in Kenya.