The Kindle to Save the Elderly .. and the Newspaper Industry


Anec­do­tal evi­dence seems to sug­gest that Ama­zon’s Kin­dle is appeal­ing, per­haps coun­ter­in­tu­itive­ly, to an old­er gen­er­a­tion. Accord­ing to Mar­gin­al Rev­o­lu­tion, “over half of report­ing Kin­dle own­ers are 50 or old­er, and 70 per­cent are 40 or old­er.” Why is the Kin­dle skew­ing toward a more senior demo­graph­ic? At least one rea­son is that it allows old­er folks to nav­i­gate around var­i­ous phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ties, rang­ing from visu­al prob­lems to arthri­tis to carpal tun­nel syn­drome. If you have bad eye sight, then you can expand the Kindle’s fonts and you’re good to go.

In the mean­time, on a dif­fer­ent front, The New York Times is report­ing today that news­pa­per pub­lish­ers may be hop­ing that the Kin­dle can save their indus­try. Instead of dis­trib­ut­ing free con­tent via the web, papers may be look­ing to cir­cu­late con­tent through big screen e‑book read­ers on a sub­scrip­tion basis. Charge a fee + elim­i­nate print­ing costs =  back in busi­ness. That’s the think­ing.

via Andrew Sul­li­van’s Dai­ly Dish


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13,500 Sing “Hey Jude” in Trafalgar Square

Awe­some way to give the Mon­day blues a swift kick in the ass. Last Thurs­day, in Lon­don’s Trafal­gar Square, a big crowd of 13,500 got togeth­er and sang “Hey Jude.” The project (arranged some­what spon­ta­neous­ly by T‑Mobile) gets bet­ter as things move along — kind of like the song itself.

All cred­it for find­ing this one goes to @courosa over on Twit­ter.

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Bach on Ukulele

Pret­ty intrigu­ing footage high­light­ed by Metafil­ter today: “John King, like­ly the world’s only clas­si­cal ukulele vir­tu­oso, died last month at the age of 55. Here he is per­form­ing a Bach pre­lude (above), play­ing more Bach, and play­ing Chop­sticks.” You can find more clips of King’s work on this YouTube chan­nel.

And while you’re at it, check out our list of Intel­li­gent YouTube Video Col­lec­tions.

Free PDF Download of The Alchemyst

A quick fyi: You can down­load a free PDF of Michael Scot­t’s Young Adult nov­el, The Alche­myst: The Secrets of the Immor­tal Nicholas Flamel. It runs about 375 pages and is avail­able for a lim­it­ed time thanks to Pow­ell’s web site. Get it free here. Or buy a copy (and read user reviews) here.

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Ballard Rediscovered

J.G. Bal­lard, the con­tro­ver­sial author of Crash and Empire, died last month. One of our read­ers (Stephen) point­ed us to a Bal­lard short sto­ry pub­lished in the Guardian. “The Dying Fall” was lit­tle known and nev­er pub­lished in a Bal­lard col­lec­tion. And it’s here that the mod­ern world col­lides with the Renais­sance. 

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