“Over the cenÂturies a numÂber of images have been put forÂward as life porÂtraits of our greatÂest writer, but at present none of them is genÂerÂalÂly acceptÂed as such. Up until now… With the emerÂgence of the Cobbe porÂtrait, we are preÂsentÂed with a conÂtemÂpoÂrary porÂtrait that has strong claims to repÂreÂsent the dramaÂtist as he appeared to his conÂtemÂpoÂraries.”
These lines from shakespearefound.org.uk (assoÂciÂatÂed with the UniÂverÂsiÂty of WarÂwick) set the stage for a 20 minute video/film that feaÂtures Prof. StanÂley Wells talkÂing about the Cobbe porÂtrait, and why it’s believed to present the real ShakeÂspeare, the towÂerÂing author we still know litÂtle about today. You can watch the video above, or find it on iTuneÂsU, where it’s among the most downÂloaded videos.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Goethe and ShakeÂspeare on Google
ShakeÂspeare and the Uses of PolitÂiÂcal PowÂer