When David FosÂter WalÂlace (InfiÂnite Jest) comÂmitÂted suiÂcide last SepÂtemÂber, he left behind famÂiÂly, friends and an unfinÂished third novÂel, The Pale King. This week, The New YorkÂer takes a long look at WalÂlace’s life, career, bouts with depresÂsion, and the novÂel he began in 1997. The magÂaÂzine has also postÂed an excerpt of The Pale King (which will be pubÂlished next year by LitÂtle, Brown) and some actuÂal pages from the manÂuÂscript. DefÂiÂniteÂly worth a look.