Although the flow of open eduÂcaÂtionÂal resources has been slowÂing down lateÂly (anothÂer casuÂalÂty of the recesÂsion), the stream has not yet run dry.
StanÂford has recentÂly added anothÂer free course to its iTunes colÂlecÂtion. Taught by Jack Rakove, a Pulitzer Prize-winÂning hisÂtoÂriÂan, ColoÂnial and RevÂoÂluÂtionÂary AmerÂiÂca (iTuneÂsU — Feed) covÂers the earÂly phase of the traÂdiÂtionÂal AmerÂiÂcan hisÂtoÂry surÂvey course. The major themes addressed here include “the charÂacÂter of coloÂnial sociÂety; the oriÂgins and conÂseÂquences of the AmerÂiÂcan RevÂoÂluÂtion, from the Stamp Act conÂtroÂverÂsy to the adopÂtion of the FedÂerÂal ConÂstiÂtuÂtion; the impact of the RevÂoÂluÂtion on the genÂerÂal popÂuÂlaÂtion and culÂture; and (implicÂitÂly) the long-term sigÂnifÂiÂcance of the social and politÂiÂcal hisÂtoÂry of this era for our conÂcepÂtions of AmerÂiÂcan nationÂhood, sociÂety and citÂiÂzenÂship.” This course is being rolled out in weekÂly installÂments. You’ll curÂrentÂly find sevÂen lecÂtures, but there will evenÂtuÂalÂly be 30.
I’ve added the course to our big colÂlecÂtion of Free UniÂverÂsiÂty CoursÂes, and it will be perÂmaÂnentÂly housed there. This page is loaded with links to thouÂsands of hours of free lecÂtures and coursÂes from major uniÂverÂsiÂties. A great resource in genÂerÂal, and parÂticÂuÂlarÂly for these lean times. Check it out, and please forÂward it to a friend (or menÂtion it on your web site) if you have a chance. Thanks.