The TED conÂferÂence has feaÂtured sevÂerÂal talks about creÂativÂiÂty in recent years. ElizÂaÂbeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) gave a litÂtle spiel about “creÂative genius” at this year’s conÂferÂence. Before that, famed psyÂcholÂoÂgist Mihaly CzikÂszentÂmiÂhaÂlyi spoke about the relaÂtionÂship between creÂativÂiÂty and hapÂpiÂness. (It all boils down to “flow.”) And now we feaÂture novÂelÂist Amy Tan (The Joy Luck Club), who locates the source of her own creÂativÂiÂty, espeÂcialÂly when writÂing, in her famÂiÂly hisÂtoÂry and big exisÂtenÂtial quesÂtions. The talk runs a good 24 minÂutes.