Steve Jobs Demos the First Macintosh in 1984

We orig­i­nal­ly post­ed this video back in 2009, and it seems like the right time to bring it back. It cap­tures the first of many times that Steve Jobs thrilled audi­ences with the promise of what tech­nol­o­gy could deliv­er. The video takes you back to Jan­u­ary 1984, when Jobs demoed the first Mac­in­tosh. A young Jobs, sport­ing a bow tie and a fuller head of hair, could bare­ly hold back his smile and some tears, and the crowd sim­ply could­n’t con­tain its enthu­si­asm, giv­ing Jobs a five-minute stand­ing ova­tion. That’s where the video ends, fad­ing hap­pi­ly and suit­ably to black. We’ll miss you Steve.

For anoth­er great Steve Jobs moment, don’t miss his inspir­ing Stan­ford 2005 grad­u­a­tion talk where he dis­cussed his approach to liv­ing and urged the young grad­u­ates to â€śStay Hun­gry, Stay Fool­ish.” So far as com­mence­ment speech­es go, it’s hard to beat this one.


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Google Puts Free Books on Your Mobile Phone

Wow. Point your mobile web brows­er to and you can read full books on your portable device. Accord­ing to The Globe and Mail, Google is mak­ing 500,000 books, most from the pub­lic domain, freely avail­able to you. And if you live in the US, the num­ber will reach 1.5 mil­lion. The col­lec­tion includes works by Charles Dick­ens, Jane Austen, Shake­speare, Mil­ton and more. (You can also find many sim­i­lar texts in our col­lec­tion of free audio books.) I test­ed Google’s mobile books on the iPhone, and it looks real­ly good. Hope­ful­ly things will work well on your mobile device as well.

via Maud New­ton’s Twit­ter Feed

get Open Cul­ture’s Twit­ter Feed here.

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