We origÂiÂnalÂly postÂed this video back in 2009, and it seems like the right time to bring it back. It capÂtures the first of many times that Steve Jobs thrilled audiÂences with the promise of what techÂnolÂoÂgy could delivÂer. The video takes you back to JanÂuÂary 1984, when Jobs demoed the first MacÂinÂtosh. A young Jobs, sportÂing a bow tie and a fuller head of hair, could bareÂly hold back his smile and some tears, and the crowd simÂply couldÂn’t conÂtain its enthuÂsiÂasm, givÂing Jobs a five-minute standÂing ovaÂtion. That’s where the video ends, fadÂing hapÂpiÂly and suitÂably to black. We’ll miss you Steve.
For anothÂer great Steve Jobs moment, don’t miss his inspirÂing StanÂford 2005 gradÂuÂaÂtion talk where he disÂcussed his approach to livÂing and urged the young gradÂuÂates to “Stay HunÂgry, Stay FoolÂish.” So far as comÂmenceÂment speechÂes go, it’s hard to beat this one.