Salvador Dali on “What’s My Line?”

What’s My Line? aired on CBS from 1950 to 1967, mak­ing it the longest-run­ning game show in Amer­i­can tele­vi­sion his­to­ry. Dur­ing its eigh­teen sea­sons, the show fea­tured hun­dreds of celebri­ties & VIPs. Above, you can watch Sal­vador Dali in action. You can also rewind the video tape and check out Alfred Hitch­cock, Frank Lloyd Wright, Eleanor Roo­sevelt, Grou­cho Marx, Carl Sand­burg, among oth­ers. For more oldies and good­ies, check out Orson Welles Vin­tage Radio & The War of the Worlds on Pod­cast: How H.G. Wells and Orson Welles Riv­et­ed A Nation.

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The Story Behind the Iconic Obama Campaign Poster

obamaposter The sto­ry behind the art­work that defined the Oba­ma cam­paign is a fas­ci­nat­ing one. Shep­ard Fairey’s posters achieved promi­nence much in the same way that Oba­ma did. They rose from the ground up. Every­day peo­ple sup­port­ed and pro­mot­ed his imag­i­na­tive posters on the web, until they became some­thing of a pub­lic phe­nom­e­non. And they turned the sta­tus quo — in this case, the tra­di­tion polit­i­cal poster — into some­thing fresh and new. In this inter­view (iTunesFeedStream), Fairey, once a self-pro­claimed “out­law street artist,” talks about how got start­ed with his Oba­ma pieces, and how his most cel­e­brat­ed work end­ed up in the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion at the U.S. Nation­al Por­trait Gallery.

P.S. As you’ll see, we’re in the midst of launch­ing a new design. Things are going rather smooth­ly. But if you encounter any prob­lems, please be patient and please let us know. We’ll be mak­ing small tweaks here and there. Thanks!

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Malcolm Gladwell: What We Can Learn from Spaghetti Sauce

Speak­ing at the TED con­fer­ence in 2007, Mal­colm Glad­well (author of The Tip­ping Point, Blink, and now Out­liers: The Sto­ry of Suc­cess) intro­duces you to the food indus­try’s pur­suit of the per­fect spaghet­ti sauce, which ulti­mate­ly tells you some­thing essen­tial about human choice and hap­pi­ness.

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Obama’s Inauguration and Address

If you did­n’t see how the inau­gu­ra­tion of the 44th Amer­i­can pres­i­dent went down, here it goes.

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Presidential Inauguration Videos & Text

A good find over at Metafil­ter. Here you’ll find 22 inau­gu­ra­tion speech­es, start­ing with McKin­ley’s 1901 address. There’s some great footage in this series of videos.

Along sim­i­lar lines, The New York Times has post­ed an inter­ac­tive fea­ture that cov­ers every inau­gur­al address. You can read the full text of each speech, and see which words and ideas were most wide­ly used with­in each text. It’s a quick way to see what issues mat­tered most dur­ing a giv­en his­tor­i­cal moment. Start with George Wash­ing­ton’s address here.

Last­ly, let me leave you with this. FDR’s 1933 address, which helped Amer­i­ca move with a lit­tle more con­fi­dence through anoth­er dif­fi­cult time. It’s the speech that gives us “There’s noth­ing to fear but fear itself,” a kind of pre­lude to “Yes we can.” Here’s to new begin­nings.

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Foreign Policy: The 10 Top Stories You Missed in 2008

In 2008, our atten­tion was most­ly focused on the long Amer­i­can pres­i­den­tial cam­paign and the dra­mat­ic crash of the glob­al finan­cial sys­tem. These two sto­ries over­shad­owed many oth­er impor­tant ones. And so For­eign Pol­i­cy has put togeth­er a col­lec­tion of the most over­looked for­eign affairs sto­ries of ’08. Rus­si­a’s move into Africa, the begin­ning of a new Dar­fur, solar pan­els emit­ting green­house gas­es — these sto­ries and more get cov­ered here.

For MLK on His Birthday

The full “I Have a Dream” speech. The place: The Lin­coln Memo­r­i­al. The Date:  August 28, 1963. The Why: To bring about many small changes in Amer­i­can soci­ety, which even­tu­al­ly and col­lec­tive­ly bring us to Tues­day. Take it away Mar­tin:

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Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity: Now Live on YouTube and iTunes

This week, Stan­ford has start­ed to roll out a new course, Ein­stein’s Gen­er­al The­o­ry of Rel­a­tiv­i­ty. Taught by Leonard Susskind, one of Amer­i­ca’s lead­ing physics minds, this course is the fourth of a six-part sequence — Mod­ern Physics: The The­o­ret­i­cal Min­i­mum — that traces the devel­op­ment of mod­ern physics, mov­ing from New­ton to Black Holes. As the title sug­gests, this course (which runs 20 hours in total) focus­es square­ly on the ground­break­ing work of Albert Ein­stein. And, it’s undoubt­ed­ly a plus that the course was pre­sent­ed in Stan­ford’s Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies pro­gram, which means that it’s tai­lored to smart non-spe­cial­ists like you. You can watch the first lec­ture on iTunes here, or YouTube below. The remain­ing lec­tures will be rolled out on a week­ly basis. If you would like to watch the longer sequence of cours­es, I have pro­vid­ed a com­plete list of links here. Enjoy.

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