Are politÂiÂcal attack ads such a bad thing? John G. Geer, author of In Defense of NegÂaÂtivÂiÂty: Attack Ads in PresÂiÂdenÂtial CamÂpaigns, doesn’t necÂesÂsarÂiÂly think so. He mainÂtains that they often enrich, rather than corÂrode, the politÂiÂcal process. And now his pubÂlishÂer has assemÂbled The Attack Ad Hall of Fame. IncludÂed on the list is the most famous/controversial one — the “Daisy ad” from the 1964 JohnÂson-GoldÂwaÂter camÂpaign. JohnÂson’s ad, which was only aired once, nevÂer menÂtioned GoldÂwaÂter by name, but it raised fears about whether GoldÂwaÂter might bring us to the nuclear brink. For more ads, see the MuseÂum of the MovÂing Image, and watch Geer himÂself get swift-boatÂed on YouTube.