Right in time for ChristÂmas Eve…
World War I was a relentÂlessÂly grindÂing and bruÂtal war. Europe had nevÂer expeÂriÂenced anyÂthing like it. But there was one notable moment of respite, a brief moment when humanÂiÂty showed back through. ChristÂmas Eve, 1914. The movÂing stoÂry of what hapÂpened that night gets recountÂed in John McCutcheon’s touchÂing song, ChristÂmas in the TrenchÂes. The video below includes the backÂstoÂry and the song itself. You can also watch a live perÂforÂmance here, and get the lyrics here. HapÂpy holÂiÂdays to all. And thanks Sheryl for the tip.
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