John Gielgud’s Hamlet

Here we have John Giel­gud’s first record­ing of a scene from Ham­let, “record­ed short­ly after he became the youngest actor to take the lead in the play, in the 1929/30 Old Vic sea­son.” It’s the audio that you will want to focus on here, not the video, even though there’s some­thing a lit­tle amus­ing about the whole idea of watch­ing an old record turn on YouTube. How quaint.

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Solzhenitsyn Dies at 89; David Remnick Reflects

Alek­san­dr Solzhen­it­syn, who chron­i­cled the abus­es of the Sovi­et regime and gained world­wide fame with A Day in the Life of Ivan Deniso­vich, has died at 89. (Get the New York Times obit here.) Once asked what Solzhen­it­syn means to lit­er­a­ture and the his­to­ry of Rus­sia, David Rem­nick, the edi­tor of The New York­er, had this to stay: “It’s impos­si­ble to imag­ine a writer whose affect on a soci­ety has been greater than Alek­san­dr Solzhen­it­syn’s affect on the fate of Rus­sia  …” In the video post­ed below, Rem­nick elab­o­rates on Solzhen­it­syn’s con­tri­bu­tions, and it’s worth remem­ber­ing that Rem­nick won a Pulitzer dur­ing the 90s for his best­seller, Lenin’s Tomb.

(Note: you can read the lec­ture Solzhen­it­syn gave upon receiv­ing the Nobel Prize in 1970 here, and lis­ten to his 1978 Har­vard grad­u­a­tion speech here.)

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