Over the past week, we’ve disÂcovÂered a numÂber of good items being put togethÂer by some of our readÂers.
The first is a new popÂuÂlar podÂcast called “Robots” (iTunes — RSS Feed — Web Site). AssemÂbled by a group of grad stuÂdents assoÂciÂatÂed with the Swiss FedÂerÂal InstiÂtute of TechÂnolÂoÂgy in LauÂsanne (EPFL), each episode focusÂes on a speÂcifÂic topÂic (e.g., robot socÂcer) and feaÂtures interÂviews with high proÂfile guests in robotÂics and artiÂfiÂcial intelÂliÂgence. Also, each episode highÂlights news and views from peoÂple buildÂing and proÂgramÂming robots inside and outÂside uniÂverÂsiÂties.
Next, you may want to swing over to Nigel Beale’s site and lisÂten to his radio program/podcast called The BibÂlio File. The site housÂes about 100 audio interÂviews with varÂiÂous authors. PerÂfect for the bibÂlioÂphile.
LastÂly, two quick menÂtions: Tom HanÂson, over at the “Open EduÂcaÂtion” blog, recÂomÂmends Zaid AlsagofÂf’s free e‑book called “69 LearnÂing AdvenÂtures in 6 GalaxÂies,” which essenÂtialÂly offers a “resource for teachÂers seekÂing to be techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcalÂly relÂeÂvant.” And then, along simÂiÂlar lines, you can find at SmartTeaching.org a helpÂful post called “100 AweÂsome ClassÂroom Videos to Learn New TeachÂing TechÂniques.”
Keep them comÂing.…