PioÂneerÂing guiÂtarist Bo DidÂdley passed away yesÂterÂday at 79. You can find a nice video tribÂute here. Among them, you’ll find this good old chestÂnut:
PioÂneerÂing guiÂtarist Bo DidÂdley passed away yesÂterÂday at 79. You can find a nice video tribÂute here. Among them, you’ll find this good old chestÂnut:
The name of the proÂgram is MornÂing StoÂries (iTunes — Feed — Web Site). The host is Tony Kahn. And the show is all about preÂsentÂing great stoÂries from everyÂday peoÂple — stoÂries that get at someÂthing deeply human, things that othÂer peoÂple can idenÂtiÂfy with, no matÂter what their age, backÂground, or nationÂalÂiÂty. (Hence the reaÂson why the show’s podÂcast has unexÂpectÂedÂly develÂoped a conÂsidÂerÂable folÂlowÂing in ChiÂna.)
I figÂured that there’s no betÂter way to introÂduce the show than to ask Tony Kahn to highÂlight some of his own favorite episodes. So that’s what I did, and here’s what he had to say. Once you get beyond lisÂtenÂing to his favorites, you can peruse the comÂplete archive here. Enjoy.
1. Over Here and Over There (mp3): MornÂing StoÂries ProÂducÂer and DirecÂtor catchÂes up with his friend FatiÂma, by phone from Brazil, and recalls her stoÂry of the hopes that once made her flee her homeÂland for AmerÂiÂca, and the fears that sent her back.
2. How Can You Say No? (mp3): JackÂie Lantry fights time and City Hall in ChiÂna to give her son a famÂiÂly, and Tony Kahn and Gary Mott disÂcuss their perÂsonÂal expeÂriÂences with adopÂtion.
3. FamÂiÂly Tree (mp3): Karen DilÂlon begins the podÂcast with a report on workÂing with grievÂing chilÂdren. KatÂriÂna MurÂray ends it with a mothÂer’s tale.
4. A LesÂson in ChiÂnese (mp3): A caller from Xian, ChiÂna teachÂes Tony the true meanÂing of “hapÂpiÂness,” “love,” and “volÂunÂteer job.” Also, Tony and Gary disÂcuss the true meanÂing of “wanÂton.”