In 2006, docÂuÂmenÂtary filmÂmakÂer Jehane NouÂjaim (ConÂtrol Room) made a wish at the TED conÂferÂence (see below) — for world peace. For NouÂjaim, peace starts with culÂturÂal exchange, with getÂting to know one anothÂer. And since we all can’t travÂel, anothÂer way to achieve this is through film and its abilÂiÂty to “take you into new worlds” and “across borÂders.”
Two years latÂer, NouÂjaim’s wish may come true, and the uniÂfyÂing powÂer of film will be put to the test. May 10 marks Pangea Day, a day when peoÂple from around the world (from MumÂbai and Cairo to Kigali, Rio and LA) will come togethÂer and watch the same films made by varÂiÂous interÂnaÂtionÂal filmÂmakÂers. “Watch parÂties” will be held worldÂwide, and the event will be broadÂcast via webÂcast and mobile phone. Below, we’ve also postÂed a movie trailÂer introÂducÂing the conÂcept of Pangea Day. For more inforÂmaÂtion, click here. (Thanks Natasha for the heads up.)
NouÂjaim at TED
Pangea Day TrailÂer