NASA to Beam Beatles’ Song into Space

“Across the Uni­verse” was writ­ten by John Lennon in 1969. On Mon­day, NASA will beam “Across the Uni­verse” lit­er­al­ly across the uni­verse, straight to Polaris, the North Star. Accord­ing to Wired Mag­a­zine, the song trav­el­ing at the speed of light will take 431 years to reach its final des­ti­na­tion, which is a mere 2.5 quadrillion miles away. Lennon must be smil­ing some­where.

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Drawing Obama, Thinking Lincoln

Watch the work of a satir­i­cal illus­tra­tor in action over at The New York­er.

From Our “Inner Chimp” to our “Inner Fish”

Ear­li­er this week, we high­light­ed a great con­ver­sa­tion about whether we inher­it­ed moral­i­ty from our pri­mate ances­tors. It raised the ques­tion whether our “inner chimp” tells us what is right or wrong.

Now, to switch gears just a bit, we bring you an inter­view with Neil Shu­bin that delves into your “inner fish” (MP3iTunesFeedWeb Site). Shu­bin is the author of Your Inner Fish: A Jour­ney into the 3.5‑Billion-Year His­to­ry of the Human Body, and here he talks about how var­i­ous parts of the human body (our hands and head, for exam­ple) evolved from the anato­my of ancient fish and oth­er long extinct crea­tures. What this goes to show is that “our human­i­ty, … which makes us so unique … is real­ly built by bits and pieces shared with every­thing we call worms, jel­ly­fish, sponges, and so forth.” “The utter­ly unique and beau­ti­ful can be made from some­thing very com­mon.” And there’s some­thing aes­thet­i­cal­ly beau­ti­ful about that.

Shu­bin, I should men­tion, made head­lines in 2006 when he and a team of sci­en­tists revealed the dis­cov­ery of Tik­taa­lik roseae, a 375 mil­lion year old fos­sil that cap­tures the moment when sea crea­tures made their tran­si­tion to land. Good stuff.

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Political Satire on the Tube

On the lighter side .…

Yes­ter­day, I got a chance to attend Lar­ry Lessig’s last lec­ture ever on “Free Cul­ture.” (More on Lessig here.) It was a pre­sen­ta­tion wor­thy of Steve Jobs, and I’ll have more to say about it lat­er.

For now, I’ll leave you with an exam­ple of cre­ative “remix­ing” cit­ed dur­ing his talk. It’s polit­i­cal satire. Not the kind that your father grew up with. But the kind that’s grown out of the new dig­i­tal land­scape.

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