The Top 25 Educational Podcasts on iTunes

Every now and then, we like to list the top rank­ing edu­ca­tion­al on pod­casts on iTunes. No mat­ter how much time goes by, one thing seems to stay the same: peo­ple like pod­casts that teach for­eign lan­guages, par­tic­u­lar­ly Span­ish, above all else. Have a look, and if you want to learn more for­eign lan­guages, vis­it our For­eign Lan­guage Les­son Pod­cast Col­lec­tion. It cov­ers 26 dif­fer­ent lan­guages.

#1. Cof­fee Break Span­ish iTunes Feed Web Site

#2. Gram­mar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Bet­ter Writ­ing iTunes Feed Web Site

#3. Learn Span­ish at SpanishPod101 iTunes Feed Web Site

#4. Learn Span­ish Sur­vival Guide iTunes Feed Web Site

#5. Learn to Speak Span­ish iTunes Feed Web Site

#6. The French Pod Class iTunes Feed Web Site

#7. Span­ish Pod­casts for Begin­ners iTunes Feed Web Site

#8. Learn French with Cof­fee Break French iTunes Feed Web Site

#9. iTunes Feed Web Site

#10. iTunes Feed Web Site


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Hitchcock 2008

What would it look like if you stuck today’s stars in Hitch­cock­’s clas­sic films? Van­i­ty Fair tried to fig­ure it out.

The Mystery of Gravity

Cour­tesy of the BBC, this video fea­tures Bri­an Cox, a par­ti­cle physi­cist and ex D:Ream key­board play­er, who trav­els across the US, fir­ing lasers at the moon and going wild in the Ari­zona desert, all in order to under­stand the deep secrets of grav­i­ty — some­thing that nei­ther New­ton nor Ein­stein ful­ly under­stood. It’s in grav­i­ty, Cox thinks, that we can find the mean­ing and log­ic of the Uni­verse.

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Freedom for the Thought That We Hate

We cov­ered the Sec­ond Amend­ment a cou­ple of weeks ago. (Does it con­fer the right to bear arms?) So why not touch on the First Amend­ment this week and point you to an engag­ing inter­view (MP3iTunesFeed) with the Pulitzer Prize-win­ning author Antho­ny Lewis, who has just released the new book: Free­dom for the Thought That We Hate: A Biog­ra­phy of the First Amend­ment.

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How to Extend the Life Of Your iPod Battery

For those who use their iPod to take advan­tage of our copi­ous pod­cast col­lec­tions:

via Life­hack­er

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Don’t Forget to Vote

If you’re a res­i­dent of a Super Tues­day state, we hope you can find some time to pull the lever tomor­row. Also, we hope you’ll for­give (at least) one more polit­i­cal post before Super Tues­day. What­ev­er your polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tions, the video below is a com­pelling exam­ple of new media at work. Accord­ing to the New York Times’ polit­i­cal blog, the lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas round­ed up 30 or so celebri­ties and put togeth­er this video set to the sound­track of Barack Oba­ma’s con­ces­sion speech in New Hamp­shire. Because the group worked for free and edit­ed the video on their own, they turned the project around in two days. The effect is pow­er­ful (and the video is added to our YouTube Playlist). You can see Oba­ma’s orig­i­nal speech here.

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Ukulele Orchestra Performs ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’

Is this blog­wor­thy? Amus­ing?  You be the judge:

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Philosopher Attack Ads: Kant and Nietzsche Go Negative in ’08

On the eve of Super Tues­day, things are get­ting ugly. Immanuel Kant has gone neg­a­tive on Friedrich Niet­zsche (see below), and the Niet­zsche cam­paign has wast­ed no time respond­ing. These enlight­ened attacks ads have been added to our YouTube Playlist.

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