IntelÂliÂgence Squared (iTunes Feed Web Site), a new series of NPR broadÂcasts, has a rather unique
forÂmat. It brings Oxford-style debates to AmerÂiÂca, and it feaÂtures leadÂing thinkers takÂing difÂferÂent posiÂtions on hot-butÂton issues of our day. (You can get more preÂcise inforÂmaÂtion on the forÂmat here.) There will be eight debates in total, all recordÂed live, and each one revolves around three panÂelists arguÂing for, and three against, a “motion,” such as “We must tolÂerÂate a nuclear Iran,” “FreeÂdom of expresÂsion must include the license to offend,” and “A demoÂcÂraÂtÂiÂcalÂly electÂed Hamas is still a terÂrorÂist orgaÂniÂzaÂtion.” And then there is the provocaÂtive topÂic of the most recent debate, “Is AmerÂiÂca Too Damn ReliÂgious?” This debate (see bios of parÂticÂiÂpants) was held at the Asia SociÂety in New York City in FebÂruÂary, and you can catch the full debate here (Real PlayÂer) or a conÂdensed verÂsion here (mp3).
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