Oodles of Google Video Documentaries

Last week, we talked about how it can be logis­ti­cal­ly dif­fi­cult to find smart videos on Google Video and YouTube. Then, this week, we stum­ble upon this: a no-frills web site called Best Online Doc­u­men­taries that aggre­gates, yes, you guessed it, high-qual­i­ty online doc­u­men­taries, almost all from Google Video. The video seg­ments are divid­ed into broad cat­e­gories (Biogra­phies, His­to­ry, Reli­gion, Sci­ence, etc), and, with­in them, you’ll find some items that deserve your time — includ­ing a his­to­ry of Byzan­tium, a biog­ra­phy of Mal­colm X, a look at Alfred Hitch­cock and his films, a pro­gram called The God Delu­sion fea­tur­ing the Oxford sci­en­tist Richard Dawkins, and, at the oth­er end of the spec­trum, a coun­ter­point British pro­gram, The Trou­ble with Athe­ism. If these pro­grams are up your alley, you can start perus­ing the larg­er col­lec­tion here.

Oth­er doc­u­men­taries and films can be found in our col­lec­tion of Free Online Movies.

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Mr. Gore Goes Back to Washington

Al Gore made a much pub­li­cized trip back to Wash­ing­ton yes­ter­day. As The New York Times describes it, “It was part sci­ence class, part pol­i­cy wonk par­adise, part pol­i­tics and all the­ater as for­mer Vice Pres­i­dent Al Gore came to Con­gress … to insist that glob­al warm­ing con­sti­tutes a “plan­e­tary emer­gency” requir­ing an aggres­sive fed­er­al response.” You’ll prob­a­bly agree that it’s bet­ter to watch a speech itself than to read a report about it. So here it goes. Give your­self 37 min­utes to watch:

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The YouTube Threat to iTunes?

Medi­aShift, the PBS blog which “tracks how new media—from weblogs to pod­casts to cit­i­zen journalism—are chang­ing soci­ety and cul­ture,” has just post­ed a new piece that you’ll want to check out. The arti­cle, giv­en the snap­py title “Will Video Kill the Audio Pod­cast­ing Star? Not Exact­ly,” takes a good look at how audio pod­casts are far­ing against YouTube-style video. Right now, YouTube is all the rage, so much so that “pod­casts” almost seem passé, despite being declared the “Word of the Year” by the New Oxford Amer­i­can Dici­tionary at the end of 2005. But accord­ing to Medi­aShift’s Mark Glaser, audio pod­casts are doing just fine, in part because they’re more ver­sa­tile. And as I explain in the arti­cle, audio pod­cast­ing should gain only more trac­tion in the com­ing years.

This point deserves per­haps a bit of elab­o­ra­tion. Audio pod­casts are at an inher­ent tech­no­log­i­cal dis­ad­van­tage vis-a-vis online video. Video stream­ing takes place with­in a famil­iar web envi­ron­ment. You call up a web page (on YouTube, for exam­ple), see the video, and click play. Peo­ple know how to do that. Mean­while, access­ing a pod­cast is some­what more involved. You have to own an iPod, be famil­iar with iTunes, and know how to sync pod­casts to your iPod. Or, even more com­pli­cat­ed, you have to get com­fort­able work­ing with RSS feeds, which is no easy feat. None of this is very straight­for­ward, and that is why we recent­ly cre­at­ed a Pod­cast Primer.

Now, as I men­tioned in the arti­cle, I do fore­see the gap clos­ing, at least some­what. The iPod has been a block­buster gad­get.  It’s quick­ly pen­e­trat­ing our soci­ety, and the com­fort lev­el of work­ing with iPods and relat­ed soft­ware is ris­ing. And that means that audio pod­casts should expe­ri­ence some good growth ahead. But will audio pod­casts ever com­pete with web video? I don’t think so, and that’s because we been liv­ing in a video cul­ture for some time, and that won’t be chang­ing any­time soon.

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The New Psychology of Success

The lat­est issue of Stan­ford Mag­a­zine fea­tures an intrigu­ing arti­cle worth a lit­tle bit of your time. Car­ol Dweck, a psy­chol­o­gy pro­fes­sor at Stan­ford, has spent much of her career look­ing at the psy­cho­log­i­cal under­pin­nings of suc­cess, and her research has point­ed to one broad con­clu­sion: Those who believe their intel­li­gence is fixed — who think they’ve either got it or they don’t — tend to have dif­fi­cul­ty over­com­ing adver­si­ty and reach­ing their full poten­tial, where­as those who see their intel­li­gence and abil­i­ty as flu­id, as being the by-prod­uct of effort, end up being more resilient and bet­ter able to excel. And this applies just as much to young stu­dents in school as to adults in the work­place, or any­where else. That’s just a quick sum­ma­ry, and there’s obvi­ous­ly a bit more to it. Click here to dig a bit deep­er. Or check out Dweck­’s new book called Mind­set: The New Psy­chol­o­gy of Suc­cess.

Sep­a­rate­ly, you can lis­ten in here on a pod­cast inter­view with Dweck and her thoughts on the pscy­hol­o­gy of suc­cess.

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America’s Shadow Army in Iraq

Here is where the ide­ol­o­gy of pri­va­ti­za­tion log­i­cal­ly ends up. As part of its occu­pa­tion, the US gov­ern­ment has flood­ed Iraq with pri­vate con­trac­tors. And while some build bridges and oth­ers help pump oil, a good num­ber car­ry out mil­i­tary oper­a­tions in Amer­i­ca’s name, and they’ve posi­tioned them­selves to be sub­ject to nei­ther mil­i­tary nor civil­ian sys­tems of jus­tice. More­over, they have also stead­fast­ly refused to han­dover infor­ma­tion about their activ­i­ties to Con­gress. This inter­view on Fresh Air (iTunes Feed mp3) gives you good back­ground infor­ma­tion on Black­wa­ter USA, the Amer­i­can mer­ce­nary army oper­at­ing in Iraq appar­ent­ly with­out over­sight or account­abil­i­ty.

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The Next Fifty Years of Science, and Other Videos from Googleplex

Last week, we talked a lit­tle (here and here) about the tri­als and tribu­la­tions of find­ing enlight­ened con­tent on GooTube (Google Video + YouTube). What we did­n’t men­tion is that some of this good con­tent comes straight from Google head­quar­ters itself. This page, sim­ply titled Videos from Google­plex, cap­tures talks giv­en most­ly at cor­po­rate cen­tral, and they’re bro­ken down into three cat­e­gories: TechTalks, Authors@Google, and Mis­cel­la­neous Google Videos. While some of the videos pro­mote Google’s inter­nal life and cul­ture, oth­ers touch on sub­jects that have broad­er appeal. Like this one: Here we have Kevin Kel­ly, co-founder of Wired Mag­a­zine and for­mer edi­tor of the icon­ic Whole Earth Review, talk­ing about how the path to sci­en­tif­ic knowl­edge — how our sci­en­tif­ic method — is like­ly to change over the next 50 years. As you could well imag­ine, this kind of for­ward-look­ing think­ing is bound to res­onate at Google, but it’s easy to see it hav­ing an audi­ence beyond. Give this 49-minute video a look and see what you think. At best, you’ll take away some­thing from it. At worst, you’ll get a feel for what the folks at Google are pon­der­ing.

Podcast Tutorial

We talk about pod­casts a good deal around here. But giv­en that only 12% of inter­net users have ever down­loaded a pod­cast, and only 1% does so dai­ly (see this Pew Research Cen­ter study), we want­ed to pro­vide an overview of pod­casts and how to use them. In a few min­utes, we want to get you up and run­ning and explor­ing our rich col­lec­tions of edu­ca­tion­al and cul­tur­al mate­ri­als.

What is a pod­cast?

Here’s the basic answer. Pod­casts are essen­tial­ly radio shows avail­able for down­load over the Inter­net, and you can lis­ten to them on your iPod, oth­er portable mp3 play­ers, and com­put­er. Instead of being broad­cast over the air­waves and even­tu­al­ly lost, as hap­pens with tra­di­tion­al radio shows, pod­casts can be stored and played at the user’s con­ve­nience. Think of it as a TIVO in audio.

How do I down­load and lis­ten to pod­casts? The iTunes Way

Giv­en the preva­lence of Apple’s iPod/iPhone, dis­cussing the Apple way of down­load­ing pod­casts is unavoid­able.

To access pod­casts through iTunes (down­load for free here), you have sev­er­al options:

Option 1:

  • Open iTunes,
  • Click on “iTunes store” on the left side of the screen,
  • Next click on “Pod­casts” with­in the area called “iTunes Store,”
  • Search and find the pod­cast you want,
  • Then either click “Get Episode” to get an indi­vid­ual pod­cast that inter­ests you, or click “Sub­scribe” to auto­mat­i­cal­ly receive each new install­ment with­in the pod­cast series.

Option 2:

  • Find a pod­cast that you’d like to explore. (You may encounter them while surf­ing the web),
  • Locate the pod­cast’s rss feed, which sites usu­al­ly adver­tise on their home­page, and are often accom­pa­nied by this sym­bol,
  • Click on the “Advanced” drop-down menu along the top of the screen,
  • Next select “Sub­scribe to pod­cast,”
  • And then paste the feed link (for exam­ple, https://www.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/feeds/mind.xml) into the box and click “Ok.”

NOTE: This option works well when you find a pod­cast that’s not already list­ed on iTunes.

Option 3:

  • Some­times when you’re surf­ing the web, you’ll find a pod­cast that you like, and you’ll have the option to sub­scribe direct­ly to the pod­cast on iTunes from the web page. (On Open Cul­ture, we give you this option when­ev­er we see a link that says “iTunes.”)
  • Click on the link and it will help you launch iTunes, and from there you’ll be giv­en the option either to sub­scribe to the ongo­ing pod­cast, or to down­load indi­vid­ual episodes.

Lis­ten­ing to the Pod­casts

Final­ly, when you sync your iPod, your pod­casts will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly down­loaded onto your iPod. And you can lis­ten to them by:

  • Turn­ing on your iPod,
  • Click­ing on “Music” at the main menu.
  • Scrolling the wheel down to “Pod­casts,”
  • And then select­ing the indi­vid­ual pod­casts that you want to play.

Are there alter­na­tives to iTunes?

Yes. And you have a cou­ple of options here.

If you own anoth­er kind of mp3 play­er (e.g. ones by Microsoft, San­Disk, or Cre­ative), it will come with soft­ware that per­forms essen­tial­ly the same func­tions as iTunes. And you’ll want to fol­low the same basic direc­tions that we out­lined in Step 2 above. That is, find the rss feed (which we always try to pro­vide) and use it to sub­scribe to the pod­cast. Then sync and lis­ten.

And then there is an inter­est­ing sec­ond option: Life­hack­er recent­ly rec­om­mend­ed a free soft­ware called “MyPod­der” (down­load here). It is a cross plat­form soft­ware for down­load­ing pod­casts direct­ly to your MP3 play­er, no mat­ter what kind you have.

Can I Make My Own Pod­casts?

Sure, check out our pre­vi­ous fea­ture that directs you to good resources.

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Podcasts from Top American Law Schools


  • Amer­i­can Uni­ver­si­ty — Wash­ing­ton Col­lege of Law iTunes Feed Web Site
    • An eclec­tic col­lec­tion of legal pod­casts.
  • Duke Uni­ver­si­ty School of Law iTunes Feed Web Site
    • Lec­tures, pan­els, con­fer­ences, etc.
  • George­town Uni­ver­si­ty — George­town Law iTunes Feed Web Site
    • One of the rich­er col­lec­tions.
  • George Mason Uni­ver­si­ty
    • The Law and Eco­nom­ics Pod­cast iTunes Feed Web Site
      • Pro­duced by the Jour­nal of Law, Eco­nom­ics, and Pol­i­cy.
  • Har­vard Law School
    • Medi­a­Berk­man by The Berk­man Cen­ter for Inter­net & Soci­ety iTunes Feed Web Site
      • Medi­a­Berk­man “fea­tures con­ver­sa­tions with and talks by lead­ing cyber-schol­ars, entre­pre­neurs, activists, and pol­i­cy­mak­ers as they explore top­ics such as the fac­tors that influ­ence knowl­edge cre­ation and dis­sem­i­na­tion in the dig­i­tal age; the char­ac­ter of pow­er as the worlds of gov­er­nance, busi­ness, cit­i­zen­ship and the media meet the inter­net; and the oppor­tu­ni­ties, role and lim­i­ta­tions of new tech­nolo­gies in learn­ing.”
  • Lewis & Clarke Law School Pod­cast iTunes Feed Web Site
    • Pod­casts of speak­ers and events.
  • Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Law School
    • Cen­ter for Inter­net and Soci­ety iTunes Web Site
      • These tech­nol­o­gy-focused lec­tures are giv­en by a diverse group of fac­ul­ty, many from uni­ver­si­ties oth­er than Stan­ford.
    • Pro­gram in Law, Sci­ence & Tech­nol­o­gy iTunes Web Site
      • This pro­gram focus­es on the role that sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy play in the nation­al and glob­al are­nas. The issues dis­cussed in these pod­casts will inter­est stu­dents, legal pro­fes­sion­als, busi­ness­peo­ple, gov­ern­ment offi­cials, and the pub­lic at large.
    • The Amer­i­can Con­sti­tu­tion Soci­ety for Law and Pol­i­cy iTunes Feed Web Site
      • The Amer­i­can Con­sti­tu­tion Soci­ety for Law and Pol­i­cy is a nation­al orga­ni­za­tion com­prised of lawyers, law stu­dents, schol­ars, judges, pol­i­cy­mak­ers, and oth­er con­cerned indi­vid­u­als work­ing to ensure that fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of human dig­ni­ty, indi­vid­ual rights and lib­er­ties, gen­uine equal­i­ty, and access to jus­tice enjoy their right­ful, cen­tral place in Amer­i­can law.
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go Law School Fac­ul­ty iTunes Feed Web Site
    • A lit­tle bit of legal brain can­dy pre­sent­ed by the U Chica­go law fac­ul­ty.
  • Yale Law School Feed Web Site
    • Pod­casts from one of Amer­i­ca’s finest law schools. Often fea­tures speech­es by vis­it­ing speak­ers.

Stay tuned — this page will be under con­tin­u­al and active devel­op­ment. It will grow as more law schools devel­op new pod­casts.

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