A Mention in the Christian Science Monitor

Just a very quick fyi: Open Cul­ture got a nice lit­tle men­tion in yes­ter­day’s Chris­t­ian Sci­ence Mon­i­tor. It’s with­in the con­text of a very good arti­cle about MIT’s Open­Course­Ware ini­tia­tive, which is def­i­nite­ly worth know­ing about.

Free Beethoven and Mozart Recordings via Podcast

Beethoven_1See our fol­low up piece: More Free Clas­si­cal Music Pod­casts: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Wag­n­er and Some Yo-Yo Ma

Cour­tesy of Deutsche Welle, the Ger­man inter­na­tion­al broad­cast­ing ser­vice, you can fill your iPod at no cost with some excep­tion­al clas­si­cal music. We’d par­tic­u­lar­ly encour­age you to focus on two pod­casts. First, Beethoven­fest (iTunes Feed Web Site), which lets users down­load “Beethoven’s most famous sym­phonies per­formed by excel­lent young orches­tras.” Next, Clas­si­cal Mas­ter­pieces (iTunes Feed Web Site), which gives you free access to sym­phonies by Mozart, Strauss, Schu­mann, Brahms, and Bruck­n­er, each pre­sent­ed by con­duc­tor Kent Nagano and the inter­na­tion­al­ly known DSO Berlin. (Inci­den­tal­ly, a quite large col­lec­tion of free clas­si­cal music can also be found on Wikipedia. Thanks to one of our read­ers for let­ting us know.)

Final­ly, we should men­tion that Deutsche Welle offers a lot of oth­er free pod­casts in Eng­lish. Take for exam­ple Inspired Minds (iTunes Feed Web Site), a series of pod­casts explor­ing the world’s great thinkers, or Deutsche Warum Nicht? (iTunes), a mul­ti-part series that will teach you Ger­man from the ground up. A great trove of con­tent that’s worth your time.

You can find more clas­si­cal music in our Music Pod­cast Col­lec­tion .

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Culture Kiosque: The Euro Guide to Culture

Some like cul­ture, and some like Cul­ture — art, sym­pho­ny and opera, jazz and dance, the works. For the Big C cul­ture fan, Cul­turekiosque is a score. It’s a high-qual­i­ty webzine that lets you keep your fin­ger on the pulse of the inter­na­tion­al cul­ture scene. The site notably offers an events cal­en­dar that lists cul­tur­al events tak­ing place across the world, some­thing that trav­el­ers might appre­ci­ate. It also fea­tures more sub­stan­tive arti­cles and reviews, which, although writ­ten in Eng­lish, are not lim­it­ed to the cul­tur­al hap­pen­ings in the Anglo­phone world. (The site explic­it­ly refers to itself as “The Euro­pean Guide to Arts and Cul­ture World­wide.”) So, while you’ll get Cul­turekiosque’s take on how things went down at this year’s Burn­ing Man fes­ti­val in the Neva­da desert, you’ll also get their view on how the Orchestre de Paris is far­ing under its new Ger­man con­duc­tor. Also worth a par­tic­u­lar men­tion is the web site’s spe­cial jazz series called Sons of Miles, a 41-part series that looks back at Miles Davis and the many jazz musi­cians he influ­enced. A great resource for the jazz offi­ciana­do. To access many parts of the site, users will need to reg­is­ter.

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