It was probÂaÂbly only a matÂter of time before this hapÂpened. AccordÂing to The New York Times, TouchÂstone, an imprint of Simon & SchusÂter, has agreed to pubÂlish a work by whichevÂer new writer takes first prize in a conÂtest sponÂsored by the social-netÂworkÂing site, A la AmerÂiÂcan Idol, everyÂday peoÂple and panÂel of experts will read and vote on the first chapÂter of books subÂmitÂted by everyÂday peoÂple. And although the winÂner will need to sign the “stanÂdard Simon & SchusÂter conÂtract,” he/she will get their work fast tracked to pubÂliÂcaÂtion and forÂgo the hasÂsle of shopÂping a book. Also, there’s a $5,000 cash prize and the promise of proÂmoÂtion at local BorÂders’ book stores.
The underÂlyÂing logÂic behind the conÂtest, called “First ChapÂters,” comes down to this: It’s ultiÂmateÂly peoÂple who buy books, so why not let a good samÂple demoÂgraphÂic (’s 175,000 oldÂer and more mature users) preÂview the subÂmisÂsions, decide what they like, and save the ediÂtor the effort of guessÂing what will fly. That makes a cerÂtain amount of sense if you’re a pubÂlishÂer, workÂing in a slugÂgish indusÂtry with narÂrow marÂgins, who is always lookÂing to maxÂiÂmize the odds of putting out winÂners. HowÂevÂer, whether it will furÂther the pubÂlishÂer’s misÂsion of bringÂing qualÂiÂty books to our culÂture is an altoÂgethÂer difÂferÂent quesÂtion, and the jury remains out on this one. You can get more inforÂmaÂtion about the conÂtest by clickÂing here.