Spend some time on iTunes, and you’ll find some excelÂlent culÂturÂal podÂcasts, simÂply hours worth of high-touch intelÂlecÂtuÂal conÂtent. And the excelÂlent part is that the trove is growÂing, and the qualÂiÂty conÂtent keeps on comÂing.
The rub is that it takes time to sepÂaÂrate the wheat from the chaff — too much time, if you honÂestÂly ask me. So, for the benÂeÂfit of our readÂers, we’ve rolled up our sleeves, siftÂed through it all, and isoÂlatÂed the high-valÂue conÂtent that’s worth your time. Spend some time rumÂmagÂing through our iTunes CulÂturÂal PodÂcast ColÂlecÂtion, and you’ll be sure to find among the culÂturÂal proÂgrams and audio texts someÂthing that piques your interÂest. SepÂaÂrateÂly, you can also explore our UniÂverÂsiÂty iTunes ColÂlecÂtion, anothÂer colÂlecÂtion of podÂcasts from 25 of AmerÂiÂca’s leadÂing eduÂcaÂtionÂal instiÂtuÂtions. TogethÂer, they should keep you thinkÂing, learnÂing and growÂing for a while.
Also check out our list of UniÂverÂsiÂty PodÂcasts on iTunes. It includes lots of great camÂpus lecÂtures and full-fledged coursÂes.