A world renowned biolÂoÂgist, devotÂed DarÂwinÂist, and unabashed secÂuÂlar humanÂist, HarÂvard’s E.O. WilÂson has takÂen an intriguÂing reliÂgious turn with his latÂest work, “The CreÂation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth.” A BapÂtist by upbringÂing, WilÂson offers litÂerÂalÂly a serÂmon addressed to AmerÂiÂca’s large and growÂing evanÂgelÂiÂcal comÂmuÂniÂty. The essence of the mesÂsage is simÂple: We might have our politÂiÂcal and intelÂlecÂtuÂal difÂferÂences, but, when it comes to staving off enviÂronÂmenÂtal disÂasÂter, we need to put our simÂmerÂing difÂferÂences aside and work togethÂer to solve a probÂlem that affects us all. We need to save God’s creÂation. If you conÂsidÂer the divide between red and blue AmerÂiÂca, you’d figÂure that Wilson’s overÂture would fall on deaf ears. But, as WilÂson tells it on NPR, it’s anyÂthing but the case, and the first signs sugÂgest that the culÂture wars aren’t blindÂing either side from the much bigÂger issues at stake.
Recent reviews:
WashÂingÂton Post: “SciÂence and SalÂvaÂtion”
New York Times: “God is Green”
The ChrisÂtÂian Post “HeedÂing Edward O. WilÂson”