Neil Finn Sings a Lovely Version of David Bowie’s “Heroes,” Live from Home

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  • Elisabeth Flink says:

    Thank you so much, you real­ly moved me. When I wwas lis­ten­ing to you play­ing this fan­tas­tic song, I thought of all the heroes work­ing day and night tak­ing care of all the coro­na-virus vic­tims. I and every­body else can­not thank them enough

  • Jscott Johnson says:

    I was moved to tears what a trib­ute thank you so much our heroes are heroes every­day

  • Hosto, Jeffrey a. says:

    Bra­vo, mae­stro! Could­n’t hear Steve Stevens and his one-note lead. A favorite of mine per­formed incred­i­bly well
    Maybe a lit­tle up-tem­po’d ver­sion of “Lay­la” be “a real cool hand.”

  • Joanna ryan says:

    I’m a mas­sive Bowie fan and I thought this was excel­lent it’s a hard song to sing but I thought his ren­di­tion was real­ly good

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.