Free: Austin City Limits Opens Up Video Archives During COVID-19 Pandemic

Austin City Limits–an PBS music pro­gram record­ed live in Austin, Texas–has decid­ed to open its archives “as a gift to music fans dur­ing the cur­rent live music mora­to­ri­um.” They write: “Start­ing March 23, the peren­ni­al tele­vi­sion series will make fan-favorite episodes from the recent­ly broad­cast Sea­son 45 avail­able for stream­ing, in addi­tion to the entire slate of pro­grams from the pre­vi­ous two sea­sons of the acclaimed con­cert show­case. Over 35 ACL install­ments will be avail­able to stream free online at offer­ing a wide vari­ety of music’s finest from every genre. here’s some­thing for every­one: an elec­tri­fy­ing hour with gui­tar hero Gary Clark Jr.; an epic stage jour­ney with 2020’s Gram­my-win­ning glob­al pop phe­nom Bil­lie Eil­ish; super­group The Racon­teurs, fea­tur­ing Jack White and Bren­dan Ben­son, in an all-out hour of pure rock and roll.”

Get more infor­ma­tion here, and stream episodes here.

Above you can watch Robert Plant on Austin City Lim­its dur­ing a show record­ed in 2016.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.