The coroÂnÂavirus has spread out of ChiÂna, into South Korea, Japan and now Italy. We’re setÂtling into the realÂiÂty that we’re likeÂly facÂing a panÂdemÂic. It’s time to eduÂcate ourselves–to take some free coursÂes on COVID-19.
In response to the outÂbreak, ImpeÂrÂiÂal ColÂlege LonÂdon has put togethÂer a free course (offered through CoursÂera) called “SciÂence MatÂters: Let’s Talk About COVID-19.” The course will teach you the “sciÂence underÂpinÂning the novÂel CoroÂnÂavirus outÂbreak,” so that you can underÂstand “how the spread of the epiÂdemÂic is modÂeled, how transÂmisÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of infecÂtions is estiÂmatÂed, what the chalÂlenges are in estiÂmatÂing the case fatalÂiÂty ratio, and also … the imporÂtance of comÂmuÂniÂty involveÂment in respondÂing to the epiÂdemÂic.” You can get startÂed with this course right now.
AlterÂnaÂtiveÂly you can sign up for COVID-19: TackÂling the NovÂel CoroÂnÂavirus. CreÂatÂed by FutureÂLearn and The LonÂdon School of Hygiene and TropÂiÂcal MedÂiÂcine, this course looks at “how COVID-19 emerged, was idenÂtiÂfied and spreads, the pubÂlic health meaÂsures for the virus worldÂwide, and what is needÂed to address COVID-19 and preÂvent it [from] spreadÂing.” Although the course is now open for enrollÂment, it won’t offiÂcialÂly start until March 22.
Both coursÂes will be added to our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
Note: The UniÂverÂsiÂty of Hong Kong also offer a course on EpiÂdemics.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Good course