How to save those wet, damÂaged books? The quesÂtion has to be asked. Above, you can watch a visuÂal primer from the SyraÂcuse UniÂverÂsiÂty Libraries–peoÂple who know someÂthing about takÂing care of books. It conÂtains a series of tips–some intuÂitive, some less so–that will give you a clear action plan the next time water and paper meet.
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Except, you should not press down the covÂers first, as this will only furÂther disÂtribÂute water residue across the pages (instead, fan the pages and shake them off first). Also, straightÂenÂing the corÂners of the pages before putting the book under press/weight will ensure that the leaves line up tighter. (Just my bibÂlio OCD talkÂing:)
InforÂmaÂtion: damÂage to books after they have been sitÂting for a long while when they were damÂaged by water. How to treat them? SalÂvageÂable ?
Thank you for your help
Also how to treat fixÂing ?
How to corÂrect foxÂing on paper and fabÂric on books?
What is your sugÂgesÂtion on how to clean bug excreÂment from books that have been stored?