TheÂoÂry. The word alone can intimÂiÂdate, and it can espeÂcialÂly intimÂiÂdate those of us outÂside the acaÂdÂeÂmÂic humanÂiÂties. The rigÂor and comÂplexÂiÂty of sciÂenÂtifÂic theÂoÂry is forÂbidÂding enough, but culÂturÂal theÂoÂry, with its thickÂets of mulÂtiÂvaÂlent meanÂing and thinkers with their cultishÂly devotÂed and terÂriÂtoÂrÂiÂal folÂlowÂings, has sureÂly made many a hopeÂful learnÂer turn back before they’ve even stepped in. But help has arrived in this age of explainÂers, most recentÂly in the form of a UniÂverÂsiÂty of Exeter PhD stuÂdent and YoutuÂber named Tom Nicholas who has takÂen it upon himÂself to explain such tricky subÂjects as postÂmodÂernism, semiÂotics, pheÂnomÂeÂnolÂoÂgy, and many othÂers besides in his series “What the TheÂoÂry?”
NicoÂlas has put his acaÂdÂeÂmÂic backÂground into videos on everyÂthing from how to read jourÂnal artiÂcles and write essays to subÂjects like his own research and how Bojack HorseÂman criÂtiques the 1990s. But it’s “What the TheÂoÂry?” that most directÂly conÂfronts the intelÂlecÂtuÂal frameÂworks that his othÂer videos put to more implicÂit use.
In it he breaks down the nature of the most abstruse-soundÂing disÂciÂplines in all the modÂern humanÂiÂties as well as the ideas of the theÂoÂrists who develÂoped them — semiÂotics and FerÂdiÂnand de SausÂsure, pheÂnomÂeÂnolÂoÂgy and MarÂtin HeiÂdegÂger, culÂturÂal mateÂriÂalÂism and RayÂmond Williams, as well as broadÂer conÂcepts like postÂmodÂernism and even the modÂernism that preÂcedÂed it — illuÂmiÂnatÂing them by drawÂing upon a set of less-rarÂefied works, includÂing but not limÂitÂed to Dunkirk and The Lego Movie.
In more recent “What the TheÂoÂry?” videos, Nicholas takes on indiÂvidÂual ideas as popÂuÂlarÂized (at least withÂin the acadÂeÂmy) by cerÂtain writÂers, theÂoÂrists, and philosoÂphers. He explains, for examÂple, what Roland Barthes meant when he proÂclaimed “the death of the author” in 1967, as well as what Barthes’ counÂtryÂman Guy Debord meant when he described humanÂiÂty as livÂing in a “sociÂety of the specÂtaÂcle” that same year. Watch through the entire “What the TheÂoÂry?” playlist so far, and there’s a chance you might come away with an interÂest in launchÂing an acaÂdÂeÂmÂic career of your own in order to dig deepÂer into these and othÂer ideas. But there’s a much greater chance that you’ll come away believÂing that these critÂiÂcal texts actuÂalÂly do have insights to offer our world, the sociÂeties that make up our world, and the culÂture that driÂves those sociÂeties — bareÂly intelÂliÂgiÂble though many of them may still look.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
David FosÂter WalÂlace on What’s Wrong with PostÂmodÂernism: A Video Essay
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
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