Boing Boing writes: “Back in April, Andrew Albanese from PubÂlishÂers WeekÂly wrote a colÂumn deplorÂing the abysmal forÂmatÂting in the DoJ’s release of the Mueller Report, and pubÂlicly requestÂing that the DigÂiÂtal PubÂlic Library of AmerÂiÂca proÂduce well-forÂmatÂted ebook ediÂtions, which they have now done!”
The DigÂiÂtal PubÂlic Library of AmerÂiÂca adds:
The Report On The InvesÂtiÂgaÂtion Into RussÂian InterÂferÂence In The 2016 PresÂiÂdenÂtial ElecÂtion, or the Mueller Report, is now freely availÂable in ebook forÂmat to read on your phone or tablet from DPLA’s webÂsite and the Open BookÂshelf colÂlecÂtion. The Mueller report was released to the pubÂlic by the DepartÂment of JusÂtice as a PDF last month, iniÂtialÂly in a forÂmat that was not text-searchÂable. By makÂing the report availÂable as an ebook in our Open BookÂshelf colÂlecÂtion, anyÂone can downÂload and read it for free, all in the SimÂplyE app — no library card or sign in required.
One of the priÂmaÂry objecÂtives of DPLA’s ebooks work is to make the best openÂly-licensed e‑content availÂable to libraries and their patrons. For libraries offerÂing New York PubÂlic Library’s SimÂplyE app, the Mueller Report can be easÂiÂly inteÂgratÂed into the ebook offerÂings made availÂable to their patrons. SimÂplyE and Open BookÂshelf are freely availÂable to anyÂone with an iOS or Android device.
Read the Mueller Report today
DownÂload on the web: VisÂit, downÂload it in one click, and read it with your computer’s e‑reader like iBooks.
Read in SimÂplyE on your phone or tablet:
Use the library selecÂtor icon in the upper left corÂner, select ManÂage Accounts, then Add Library, and select DigÂiÂtal PubÂlic Library of AmerÂiÂca.
Find the Mueller Report in the top row.
To learn more about Open BookÂshelf and othÂer DPLA ebooks offerÂings, visÂit DPLA’s Ebook work and the proÂducÂtion of the Mueller Report ebook is supÂportÂed by the Alfred P. Sloan FounÂdaÂtion.
You can also downÂload The Mueller Report in an epub verÂsion here.
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ReadÂing this free and readÂiÂly availÂable report…is a coverup!!
I preÂfer this verÂsion.
CovÂer up of what? How is someÂthing writÂten by Mueller being covÂered up?