The Mueller Report Is #1, #2 and #3 on the Amazon Bestseller List: You Can Get It Free Online

Peruse the Ama­zon best­selling book list and you’ll find that the long-await­ed Mueller Report is not just the #1 best­seller. It’s also the #2 best­seller and the #3 best­seller. Col­lu­sion and obstruction–it’s the stuff that makes for good book sales, it appears.

You can pre-order the Mueller Report in book, ebook and even audio book for­mats via the links above. But if you want to down­load the report for free, and start read­ing it asap, sim­ply head to the Wash­ing­ton Post and New York Times. Or go straight to the source at the Jus­tice Depart­ment web site. Politi­co has a search­able PDF ver­sion here.

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