Make Orwell Fiction Again

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  • Bill W. says:

    Total­ly agree. Let’s get rid of the peo­ple who: revise/erase his­to­ry, tear down stat­ues, con­demn cen­turies-dead peo­ple for not hav­ing nar­row 21st Cen­tu­ry val­ues, those who cen­sor oth­ers for com­mit­ting Polit­i­cal­ly Incor­rect “thought crimes”, assault & bat­ter those for hav­ing dif­fer­ent polit­i­cal beliefs, silence those who put God first, point-out the flaws of oth­ers while ignor­ing their own, ban/boycott things, mis­take opin­ion as fact (or news), are reverse-racists, misan­drist, anti-sci­ence (it’s just a “clump of cells”), wor­ship at the altar of Big Broth­er Big Gov­ern­ment, invent words and/or change their orig­i­nal mean­ings, teach­ers who indoc­tri­nate rather than edu­cate, defy sci­ence and log­ic to pro­mote feel­ings and emo­tion, endorse mind­less mob vio­lence, mur­der of the defense­less, try to ‘fix’ things that real­ly aren’t bro­ken, and believe in free-stuff from the mytho­log­i­cal Mon­ey Tree…let’s put an end to hav­ing the inmates run­ning the asy­lum; this cap is indeed spot-on. Reliance on the gov­ern­ment is slav­ery. Let’s revert back to rugged indi­vid­u­al­ism and self-suf­fi­cient­cy; if every­one mind­ed their own busi­ness, and respect the opin­ions and rights of oth­ers, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

    God, Coun­try, Fam­i­ly!

  • gwr says:

    Gee Bill… How about- Peo­ple who lie about/ignore his­to­ry, debase cul­ture, con­demn peo­ple for not hav­ing nar­row right wing/christian fun­da­men­tal­ist val­ues, cen­sor­ing oth­ers for expres­sion of their indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, assault and bat­ter those with dif­fer­ent polit­i­cal beliefs (!), silence those who hold non-chris­t­ian spir­i­tu­al beliefs, point out and mock the flaws of oth­ers while ignor­ing their own (!), ban/boycott things (?), mis­take news and facts as opin­ion, are racist, misog­y­nist, anti-sci­ence (!), wor­ship at the altar of nation­al­ism and cor­po­rate dom­i­nance, invent words and/or change their mean­ings (!), indocrina­tors rather than edu­ca­tors (!), defy sci­ence and log­ic to pro­mote divi­sion and cor­po­rate dom­i­nance and destruc­tion of the envi­ron­ment, endorse mind­less mob vio­lence (!), mur­der of defense­less black teenagers, try to fix things like inter­na­tion­al arms and trade agree­ments that aren’t bro­ken, and believe in patri­ar­chal enti­tle­ment and lais­sez faire mythol­o­gy. Now that the cap is on the oth­er head maybe you can see how the red MAGA one is so insult­ing. But I agree, every­one should mind their own busi­ness and respect the opin­ions and rights of oth­ers.

    Sci­ence, Nature, Art!

  • Gerald says:

    Amen, indeed. And the only way to assure that Orwell remains fic­tion is to halt the arro­ga­tion of increas­ing pow­er to gov­ern­ment. Small­er and less intru­sive gov­ern­ment means more indi­vid­ual free­dom. We have a ways to go, but at least some progress has been made in the last cou­ple of years.

  • Patricia Duncan says:

    Are the Orwell hats for sale?

  • Jonathan Collins says:

    It’s only fas­cism when your side los­es!

  • JV says:

    I agree with Bill W. and gwr: the mes­sage on the hat applies to both sides. Should prob­a­bly be blue AND red. Or maybe pur­ple?

  • Bonnie says:

    Well said! I could­n’t agree more.

  • Bonnie says:

    I should have clar­i­fied, I agree with Bill W. and gwr! (I mis­tak­en­ly thought my reply would be post­ed direct­ly under the one I was actu­al­ly reply­ing too.)

  • Donald Johnson says:

    You know, the hat’s clever, and I bought one when I first saw it on the web, but I must tell you, after wear­ing one in pub­lic it looks from a dis­tance like just anoth­er MAGA hat, and a lot of folks that DO read what it real­ly says don’t know who ‘Orwell’ is. Just sayin’.

  • Ally Clapham-Carter says:

    Please make this a t‑shirt, prefer­ably black with white writ­ing.

  • jim says:

    Mr. Orwell is anoth­er of the social heros turned into a demigod in “our” image. Nit­pick­ing the soci­etl and polit­i­cal issues under the all encom­pass­ing blan­ket of Orwell isn’t ratio­nal or fair.
    Both blues and reds blame many of the same exact things on the oth­er. SIGH It’s easy to lay blame for many of the issues promi­nent on both sides.
    Orwell was about the repres­sion of ALL rep­re­sen­ta­tion, and the repres­sion of ALL self eval­u­at­ed pro­pos­als of fact as denied with the destruc­tion of writ­ten mate­ri­als.

    His realm and the cur­rent one are ONLY in the eye of the behold­er, des­per­ate­ly hold­ing up anoth­er weapon to bash and blame the oth­er side.


  • Murray says:

    Guess you can replace all the “right” terms with “left” ones and be on point. So sad the left HATES the Pres­i­dent.

    Pres­i­dent Oba­ma did and said many things against my val­ues and hurt our coun­try, but I chose NOT to hate him. How­ev­er, you and oth­ers have giv­en every­one a blue­print how to treat the next Oba­ma. Thanks for that🙄

  • Sunny says:

    No blue­print should be tak­en from either side these passed 2 years. I will admit I’m social­ly lib­er­al but there were many things I dis­agreed with dur­ing both the W and Oba­ma pres­i­den­cies. What I respect­ed was the guid­ance of peo­ple around them, the bal­ance of pow­er and our democ­ra­cy.
    Whether I hate Trump or not is irrel­e­vant. What I hate is what is going on with our democ­ra­cy and I hope the ero­sion that is tak­ing place is only tem­po­rary.

  • Shannon says:

    the point of the slo­gan “make orwell fic­tion again” is to lim­it gov­ern­ment. trump isnt per­fect how­ev­er hes mov­ing out coun­try in the right direc­tion, in one way by cut­ting tax­es. by the way how are right wingers silenc­ing those who oppose them? when have we ever done that? we believe in the con­sti­tu­tion! you think racism is bad yet you group all con­ser­v­a­tives togeth­er and blame us for ‘killing defense­less black teenagers’??

  • Thog says:

    Thog no caare

  • right direction? says:

    Right direc­tion by ignor­ing every­one about a virus? Includ­ing his own intel­li­gence? All because he felt like it was an attack from the demo­c­rat par­ty.. SO now we all get to suf­fer for months? All I can say is I did­n’t vote for him.. and he has more blood on his hands than Hillary every dreamed of. JS

  • Brian says:

    Those stat­ues you speak of should be pre­served in muse­ums. The gov­ern­ment relies on peo­ple, not the oth­er way around. We are in dan­ger of destroy­ing our democ­ra­cy, Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy, and it has been decades in the mak­ing. We dont man­u­fac­ture any longer. We dont invent. The biggest indus­tries are tech, mil­i­tary, and finan­cial. The cost of edu­ca­tion has risen, our spend­ing pow­er per dol­lar has sig­nif­i­cant­ly declined, wages have been stag­nant, and those who have destroyed this coun­try, the econony, all have their gold­en para­chutes and more infivid­ual wealth than hun­dreds of thou­sands of fam­i­lies com­bined. The pow­er and wealth is becom­ing more and more con­cen­trat­ed and we the peo­ple are financ­ing this with­out much resis­tance at all.

  • Brian says:

    Got­ta start some­where. Total repres­sion does­n’t hap­pen overnight, but we have been mov­ing in that direc­tion, which has accel­er­at­ed under trump because of his author­i­tar­i­an and fas­cist ten­den­cies. Send­ing fed­er­al troops into states, pro­mot­ing con­spir­a­cies, endors­ing vio­lence against those who speak out against him, mis­in­form­ing and lying to the pub­lic, fir­ing and/or smear­ing those who dont pledge loy­al­ty, sur­round­ing hin­self with cor­rupt­ed crim­i­nals, in bed with Putin…trump is try­ing to con­sol­i­date pow­er, not lim­it it. And for a repub­lu­can vot­er speak­ing of lim­it­ing gov­ern­ment I’d like to remind you that the police state, the hand of big broth­er, grew expo­nen­tial­ly under the bush admin­is­tra­tion after 9/11. The cre­ation of DHS. The Patri­ot Act. ICE. An on. None of which were nec­es­sary to stop ter­ror­ist threats. 9/11 was exploit­ed and our fears used to grant greater pow­er and over­sight on us, on Amer­i­cans. This was extend­ed under oba­ma, along with bush tax cuts that, yet again, pre­dom­i­nant­ly ben­e­fit­ed the top 1% in this coun­try.

    You’re all my fel­low Amer­i­cans and i respect and appre­ci­ate our right to express our opin­ions. But I believe our views may be shaped by our emo­tions and are far less objec­tive as a result. Be safe every­one, and lets work togeth­er to make Orwell fic­tion again. Nei­ther par­ty is on our side. Both par­ties prey on our great and divid­ed pop­u­la­tion, and while we are dis­tract­ed beleiv­ing and fight­ing over weath­er the trumps or bidens of this coun­try have our side, the trumps, bidens, kochs, bezos’ soros’…are greatlt expand­ing their wealth and influ­ence.

  • Treuer Wolf says:


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