Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” Movingly Performed by the Six-String Soldiers, of The United States Army Field Band

Since 1946, The Unit­ed States Army Field Band has trav­eled through­out the world, per­form­ing at pub­lic con­certs, school assem­blies, edu­ca­tion­al out­reach pro­grams, and oth­er venues. Above you can watch one of the band’s per­form­ing units–the Six-String Sol­diers–play an acoustic ver­sion of Pink Floy­d’s “Wish You Were Here.” Because we all know some­one we sure­ly miss. To explore more of their work, see their cov­er ver­sions of The All­man Broth­ers’ “Ram­blin’ Man” and The Bea­t­les’ “Straw­ber­ry Fields For­ev­er.”

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via Laugh­ing Squid

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Down­load Pink Floyd’s 1975 Com­ic Book Pro­gram for The Dark Side of the Moon Tour

How Pink Floyd’s “Com­fort­ably Numb” Was Born From an Argu­ment Between Roger Waters & David Gilmour

Under­stand­ing Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here, Their Trib­ute to Depart­ed Band­mate Syd Bar­rett

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Comments (11)
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  • Bill W. says:

    Con­sid­er­ing Jimi Hen­drix, John­ny Cash, and George Strait had musi­cal begin­nings while in the mil­i­tary, this is unsur­pris­ing. I hope these guys go far!

  • Humblecarl says:

    Great Job Gen­tle­men

  • Patrice Fierro says:

    Won­der­ful! The tears are stream­ing!

  • Xuan Lam says:

    Wow, these guys are great! What’s hot­ter than a hero that sings. Bra­vo, hope you’ll guys will pur­sue it fur­ther. All love…


  • Petra says:

    human hearts in the army trained to kill, pro­tect and guard if necessary.…humanity.….wishing they will not be pup­pies for the high­er order.…

  • Real Floyd Fan says:

    If these three had any clue what this song was about they’d have noth­ing to do with the Unit­ed States mil­i­tary. Bet this would piss Roger Water off if he saw it. Stick to Tody Kieth. This song isn’t for you.

  • Marco says:

    This is the worst cov­er of Wish You Were Here I’ve heard in my life…

  • Guy says:

    The song is about Syd Bar­ret­t’s absence from the band. This has lit­er­al­ly noth­ing to do with the mil­i­tary.

  • Cancer Survivor says:

    First of all I thought you guys did a great job!!!! And to the peo­ple that have noth­ing but a neg­a­tive response, have you ever heard if you have noth­ing nice to say don’t say any­thing at all?? It’s unfor­tu­nate to see such neg­a­tiv­i­ty. Isn’t there enough in this world? I am a can­cer sur­vivor but I felt when I read those neg­a­tive com­ments that it was just like fight­ing the dis­ease all over again because that’s what neg­a­tiv­i­ty is, a nasty dis­ease… Keep your neg­a­tiv­i­ty to your­self

  • Tyson Bender says:

    Neg­a­tiv­i­ty is a fact of life and can be very enlight­en­ing when used in an hon­est man­ner. The hon­est truth is, this is a mediocre cov­er and pure pro­pa­gan­da.

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