Watch the New Trailer for Worlds of Ursula K Le Guin, the First Feature Film on the Pioneering Sci-Fi Author

On June 10th, at the Sheffield Doc/Fest in Eng­land, direc­tor Arwen Cur­ry will pre­miere Worlds of Ursu­la K Le Guin, the first fea­ture film about the ground­break­ing sci­ence fic­tion writer. The film’s web­site notes that “Cur­ry filmed with Le Guin for 10 years to pro­duce the film, which unfolds an inti­mate jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery as Le Guin comes into her own as a major fem­i­nist author, open­ing new doors for the imag­i­na­tion and inspir­ing gen­er­a­tions of women and oth­er mar­gin­al­ized writ­ers along the way.” Star­ring Le Guin her­self, who sad­ly passed away ear­li­er this year, Worlds of Ursu­la K Le Guin fea­tures appear­ances by Mar­garet Atwood, David Mitchell, Neil Gaiman, Samuel R. Delany, and Michael Chabon. You can watch the brand new trail­er for the film above.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Hear Ursu­la K. Le Guin’s Space Rock Opera Rigel 9: A Rare Record­ing from 1985

Cel­e­brate the Life & Writ­ing of Ursu­la K. Le Guin (R.I.P.) with Clas­sic Radio Drama­ti­za­tions of Her Sto­ries

Ursu­la Le Guin Gives Insight­ful Writ­ing Advice in Her Free Online Work­shop

Ursu­la K. Le Guin Names the Books She Likes and Wants You to Read

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.