Let me quickÂly pass along some good news from the Library of ConÂgress: “The papers of AmerÂiÂcan sciÂenÂtist, statesÂman and diploÂmat BenÂjamin Franklin have been digÂiÂtized and are now availÂable online for the first time.… The Franklin papers conÂsist of approxÂiÂmateÂly 8,000 items mostÂly datÂing from the 1770s and 1780s. These include the petiÂtion that the First ConÂtiÂnenÂtal ConÂgress sent to Franklin, then a coloÂnial diploÂmat in LonÂdon, to delivÂer to King George III; letÂterÂbooks Franklin kept as he negoÂtiÂatÂed the Treaty of Paris that endÂed the RevÂoÂluÂtionÂary War; drafts of the treaty; notes docÂuÂmentÂing his sciÂenÂtifÂic obserÂvaÂtions, and corÂreÂsponÂdence with felÂlow sciÂenÂtists.” Find the digÂiÂtized colÂlecÂtion of papers here.
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