Enter the Cover Art Archive: A Massive Collection of 800,000 Album Covers from the 1950s through 2018

When I get to mut­ter­ing in my beard about kids today, the sub­ject oft turns to dig­i­tal music and how every­thing sounds the same and looks the same and “what ever hap­pened to album cov­ers, man….” I mean I know they still exist, but they’re ter­ri­ble, right? Shiny thumb­nail-sized after­thoughts with no more pur­pose than can­dy in a shop win­dow dis­play? I will admit it, and not with­out some cha­grin, I’ve always thought that who­ev­er designed Tay­lor Swift’s 1989 had a can­ny sense of the deriv­a­tive as a qual­i­ty one should wear proud­ly on one’s sleeve—it’s evoca­tive!, in a fun way, not in the way of her most recent, severe­ly Teu­ton­ic cov­er incar­na­tion.

So, it’s not all bad, because there’s one good Tay­lor Swift album cov­er. But then album art has nev­er been all good. Far from it. I remem­ber album cov­ers like this and this and these being the norm. And then there’s … well you’ve prob­a­bly seen these jaw-drop­ping mon­strosi­ties from the dis­tant past….

Maybe the tru­ly awful album cov­er is as rare a trea­sure as the tru­ly great one. Maybe the album cov­er is as it always was, despite so rarely appear­ing in a phys­i­cal form: some­times an inspired work of art, some­times a half-assed, tossed-off mar­ket­ing job, some­times a half-baked, so-bad-its-good (or not) con­cept, com­plete­ly unre­lat­ed to the music.

It can some­times seem like all we have left is nos­tal­gia, but nos­tal­gia can be done well, as in 1989 (even if that record’s cov­er does evoke, in part, an image from Joni Mitchell’s weird stint in black­face). Or it can be done bad­ly, as in Justin Timberlake’s wide­ly dis­liked 2018 Man of the Woods, which makes a lame art­sy attempt to dress up the fact that it’s kin­da rip­ping off 1989 four years lat­er. I do not know how to eval­u­ate Miley Cyrus’ var­i­ous Mia­mi Vice-themed cov­ers for her album Bangerz, which came out in the same year as 1989, except to say, good for her for going all the way with this, like, why hold back?

Oth­er recent album cov­ers mime the style of decades past with real swag­ger, like Swedish folk sis­ter duo First Aid Kit’s Heart-inspired Ruins cov­er, at the top, fea­tur­ing one of many retro 70s fonts that have returned of late, as easy to read in thumb­nail images as they were on 8‑track tapes. The cov­er of Lon­don artist Arlo’s 2017 sin­gle “Safe” has its obvi­ous 80s Duran Duran pas­tel and mar­ble swirl deco trends down, taste­ful­ly and know­ing­ly applied.

You can do your own cul­tur­al anthro­pol­o­gy of the album cov­er, from 2018’s era of eye can­dy glam­or, and the recent creative—and not-so-creative—repurposing of the past, to the gen­uine arti­cles from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s at the Cov­er Art Archive, a joint project of the Inter­net Archive and MusicBrainz, an “open music ency­clo­pe­dia that col­lects music meta­da­ta and makes it avail­able to the pub­lic.

The col­lec­tion now num­bers in the sev­er­al  hun­dred thousands—upwards of 800,000, accord­ing to its results counter—but some of the uploads are not yet com­plete with images. You are invit­ed to con­tribute and help make this amaz­ing resource even more com­pre­hen­sive. “To get start­ed,” the MusicBrainz blog writes, “log in with your MusicBrainz account (or cre­ate a new onefind your favorite release and then click on the cov­er art tab to view the exist­ing pieces of art and/or upload new ones.”

You may find, as you browse and com­pare gen­res and eras, that per­haps the album cov­er is in decline, or you may find that it is alive and well, still an inno­v­a­tive form despite the mas­sive shift in modes of pro­duc­tion. At least aged British met­al band Sax­on, a true orig­i­nal, still keeps it real, fur­ther up, with the cov­er of their 22nd album, 2018’s Thun­der­bolt. Many of Sax­on’s prog­e­ny have con­tin­ued in the tra­di­tion of high fan­ta­sy met­al cov­er art.

Some things will nev­er return. There’ll nev­er be anoth­er Diary of a Mad­man, that’s for sure, or anoth­er Ozzy. But the in-your-face soft-focus gar­ish­ness of the 80s, and the styles of near­ly every oth­er decade, live on, to take a phrase from Child­ish Gambino’s 2013 out­ing, Because the Inter­net.

Enter the Cov­er Art archive and start search­ing by year, artist, and oth­er para­me­ters here.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Film­mak­er Michel Gondry Brings Clas­sic Album Cov­ers to Life in a Visu­al­ly-Packed Com­mer­cial: Pur­ple Rain, Beg­gars Ban­quet, Nev­er­mind & More

Ralph Steadman’s Evolv­ing Album Cov­er Designs: From Miles Davis & The Who, to Frank Zap­pa & Slash (1956–2010)

How The Bea­t­les’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lone­ly Hearts Club Band Changed Album Cov­er Design For­ev­er

Josh Jones is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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Comments (92)
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  • Rob Luna Music says:

    There are some cool cov­er con­cepts at RobLunaMusic.com where they use sim­i­lar styles as shown here

  • Milam Milhouse says:

    Do you guys have an API? Look­ing to pull some of this data for an inde­pen­dent research project.

  • Scott Robb says:

    Your propos­ing that this archive can be uti­lized for find­ing album art at any decent res­o­lu­tion or qual­i­ty is absurd. Plen­ty of actu­al album art sites out there with bet­ter qual­i­ty and quan­ti­ty and par­tic­u­lar­ly, ease of use. This project is a los­ing propo­si­tion and far too cum­ber­some.

  • Has the name alexcia in it says:

    This is a rock band, it’s a pur­ple album cov­er with a black mans shad­ow, the dum­mers name is alex­cia

  • Katlyn says:

    This is a rnb album and rap the guy has a whjte back­ground with his hands cov­er­ing his face with tat­toos and a beard on his face i dont remem­ber the name but the song has alot of base

  • Ellis says:

    Hel­lo!! Look­ing for a coun­try album, on front cov­er is a pic­ture of a boot lay­ing in the desert sand with a snake close by or com­ing out of the boot. Has a fan­tas­tic long gui­tar solo I’m look­ing for but can’t remem­ber the artist. I only had the cas­sette. Hope some­one can tell me the artist so I can buy the CD or maybe it was nev­er made onto a CD. Seems like late ‘80’s maybe but not sure — it could have just been an old cas­sette some­one gave me.

  • Sandra Orozco says:

    Album cov­er that was brown/ tan with a tree in the middle.I remem­ber lis­ten­ing to it in High­school 2003/2004

  • Ed says:

    Elvis sec­ond to none

  • James says:

    These aren’t high res­o­lu­tion in the slight­est. Total waste of every­one’s time.

  • Jill Manha says:

    Look­ing for the album or song that goes with an album cov­er with art­work in the gar­den of Eden and the dev­il in love with the naked woman. Would be Alter­na­tive from 2018 or 2019. (Renais­sance look)

  • catherine says:

    i’m look­ing for this album cov­er of this band w a female lead singer that includes an orange stick fig­ure cat head & and white stick fig­ure dog head & the back­ground is a sol­id bright col­or i think. i’m not sure i just know the cat and dog are side by side and the genre is i believe alter­na­tive or rock. i’m not entire­ly sure

  • Eva says:

    I’ve been search­ing all over the name of this hippie/psychedelic band. They had kind of a soft­er sound.

    The cov­er had 5–6 men sit­ting out­doors, (maybe in front of a fire). They looked like they were in their 40s, and wear­ing hip­pie garb. The col­or in the album was kind of mut­ed so I think it was from the 70s.


  • Spring Parker says:

    look­ing for an Epi­taph album it was black and red it was from warped tour 2005 I belive. a girl­friend bought it for me and it is lost but I’m try­ing to find the songs on it. I’ve remem­bered a few of the song on the CD but I’d like to find the whole album

  • Onthatile says:

    Hey, I’m look­ing for an album where in the cov­er the artist-who is a female in neu­tral col­or clothes is kind of hang­ing in a tree, like play­ing around, not dead- the green of the trees is the main col­or of the album and if I’m push­ing it, I think the name of the artist might be Made­line *some­thing * or some­thing along those lines. The songs on there are alter­na­tive, slow indie kind of songs. I hope y’all can help,Thank you!

  • Francesca Garcia says:

    It’s a rock bad, they weren’t that huge like Kiss or any­thing but it had woman rid­ing a pis­tol . One of the songs had the name Jane in it.

  • F says:

    the album is:
    Band Name: L.A. GUNS
    Album Title: COCKED & LOADED

  • Caylen says:

    Long shot here cause I can’t remem­ber the song names or artist all I can remem­ber is is a late 90s ear­ly 2000s alter­na­tive band. One hit maybe two hit won­ders. The cd was yel­low with a pos­si­ble pur­ple brain in the mid­dle or pur­ple some­thing with ten­ta­cles? It’s dri­ving me crazy does any­one have any idea? Male singer band. The pur­ple brain or what ever it was also had oth­er stuff around it was a very busy cool cd cov­er.

  • geovana says:

    hii, the album I’m look­ing for is by a band (I believe it’s rock) and the back­ground was a dark green or black tone (and in the mid­dle there were two peo­ple, an adult and a child hold­ing hands) and in the offi­cial clip of the song, the thumb­nail was of a girl on a sub­way (it had a blue tone in the back­ground) please help me find it

  • Joe says:

    A black guy with a pipe/flute in his mouth say on a rock I think it’s an old song I’m pret­ty sure and it’s like soul ish music

  • Ryker says:

    Maybe some­one can help me, I’m try­ing to find a sin­gle from an artist that I do not remem­ber. All I remem­ber was the album cov­er, and that it’s on the lines of alter­na­tive rock with a male singer. The album cov­er shows a back road with elec­tri­cal poles, if I remem­ber cor­rect­ly the sun is set­ting. I know it’s a long shot but I would love to hear the song again.

  • DeMarcus cousins says:

    I’m try­ing to find the album cov­er of a band of a small child in grass with a mon­ster mask or hel­met on

  • Oliver says:

    I’m look­ing for an album cov­er that is a gold­en out­line of a man on one knee in san­dles and a kilt with long hair and a beard. He is hold­ing up a globe of the world above his head. I can’t remem­ber the name of the artist but the song was a love song for a girl and I think it was about going in a hot air bal­loon with her.

  • Lucien says:

    the album im look­ing for has a pink back­ground. in the cen­ter there is a sculpture/statue of a naked woman. not too graph­ic tho i believe it has a more mod­ern style of sculp­ture. the singer is male and has a gui­tar. the album has a song called “You” on it.

  • anna adams says:

    Im look­ing for an album cov­er that has a woman run­ning on top of build­ings with high heels. The cov­er is illus­trat­ed and col­or­ful. The build­ings have spikey rooftops. I saw it for sale in a group of oth­er albums­from the 70s 0r 80s.

  • Sarah Moreno says:

    The album cov­er I am look­ing for is a black back­ground with white bulb lights at the top and bot­tom of the pic­ture, I can­not remem­ber the whole text but in big bold sil­ver is the num­ber 80, it has songs by Baby Bash and Black eyed peas on it.

  • Leon says:

    Hey, I’m look­ing for an album of clas­sic rock. The songs i remem­ber it hav­ing are, Dust in the Wind by Kansas, Show Me What Love is by For­eign­er, Sis­ter Chris­t­ian by Night Rangers, and Rosan­na by, i think, Toto(?). The cov­er col­or was most­ly blue and black. Has a Pow­er­fist and hold­ing on a human heart. And i think it had at least anoth­er 21 songs of var­i­ous artists

  • Matt Boevers says:

    I’m try­ing to find the album art of a Chris­t­ian album from like 2004 from Mardel’s that had a green cov­er with a sort of rec­tan­gle line on it with more kin­da stringy lines fill­ing that up.

  • Matthew Boevers says:

    I’m also try­ing to find a the cd, as with the oth­er one just men­tioned, from the same year (2004), that was like all yel­low. It also was a Chris­t­ian C.D. and in the same area in the store

  • Lisa Thompson says:

    I ‘m look­ing for the name of a band with a tv on the CD cov­er
    They are punk rock. Thanks.

  • nena says:

    I’m look­ing for an album with a Woman on it, the album is entire­ly white and so is the Woman. I think she had some­thing like a Ted hair­net that cov­ered a part of her face.

  • Vic says:

    Sepia cov­er with dark skinned men half naked hold­ing dol­lar bills with a white man clothed lying dead

  • Nation Eilaun says:

    It’s a white man I think and he wears a beanie and he is hold­ing a green leaf kin­da in prayer hands I think.

  • Paul Johnson says:

    Aes­thet­ic group of nude female back­side

  • chloe jarvis says:

    Hi i’m look­ing for a song w a black back­ground and a big white chee­ta face on it w blue eyes. it’s a pop song very much like you and me by flume and nev­er be like u by flume. I’ve been search­ing for days i’m going crazy any 2000 kids that like pop please let me know !!!!

  • chloe says:

    found it !!! it’s Run­away by Galan­tis

  • jayden says:

    i know it’s like an alter­na­tive style song but it has a black back­ground and a sin­gle blue eye on the cov­er i saw it on ins­ta one day and the lyrics i remem­ber are jum­bled up

  • Lizeth Isaza says:

    I’m look­ing for a rock/ pop punk/ emo song.
    It was red and black with black sil­hou­ettes
    Of peo­ple. Please help me I want to lis­ten to it.

  • Evelyn J Seabrook says:

    The back­ground col­or of the album cov­er is dark green. The mod­el is a light-brown skinned girl named Mary Las­siter. The album was made in the late 1960’s or in the 1970’s. I believe the music genre is jazz, but could be Latin or R&B.

  • ruby says:

    hi im look­ing for a cd from 1999 with regal record­ings, it has a riv­er going through the mid­dle of a yellow‑y vil­lage with snowy moun­tains in the back and at the start of the riv­er there’s boats and grey and white check­ered floor thing to the right of the riv­er

  • spencer says:

    pro­l­ly cir­cles

  • Andrew says:

    It’s a 90s ‑2000s alt rock album and there’s four or five peo­ple on the album cov­er , ones a girl , all in black tur­tle necks , they are fac­ing the cam­era and there’s grass in the back­ground , the band name starts off with THE

  • Mandy says:

    I’m look­ing for the album cov­er of a female latin artist. The cov­er had a black back­ground with the face of a woman with black hair in the mid­dle. There was some sort of fil­ter on it which made it look like she had either 4 or 6 eyes. The artist’s name could’ve been sofia but im not sure. This was around 2014 I think? But the album might’ve been released ear­li­er.
    Any clues would be appre­ci­at­ed!

  • Karyme Cano says:

    the album cov­er is in like a stu­dio apart­ment with stuff and i specif­i­cal­ly remem­ber a lad­der too and plant and bunch of oth­er stuff in front of this win­dow. the artist is a dude i’m pret­ty sure.

  • paul summers says:

    try­ing to find ear­ly 1970s record album.only know the cov­er. it was a red album cov­er with big white num­bers 666 the band sound­ed like they are from India. one of the songs was about the four horse man of the apoc­alips. can you please help .

  • Julia says:

    Hi! I’m look­ing for an indie/rock band but I don’t remem­ber the name. I just remem­ber the album cov­er, it has an evil child creepy vibe. It has a boy with (black or red) eyes in a room, he is hold­ing a lol­lipop in his mouth, there is an upside down cross on the wall behind him. He is wear­ing a sweat­shirt (I think it’s green). There is an orig­i­nal pic­ture, the band must have edit­ed it to make it have this creepy vibe.

  • Julia says:

    Hi! This is Julia. I just found the band on Spo­ti­fy, the band is The Drums and the album is Por­ta­men­to (2011). I had already tried to find it in my recent­ly search­es and my playlists but got no result. I was like crazy look­ing for it on the inter­net. I think some­how the app must have read the search­es I was doing in the brows­er because I just typed “album cov­er” on Spo­ti­fy app and it showed exact­ly what I was look­ing for. So I came back here to let you know. Cheers! =D

  • Joe says:

    Hey got a weird one.
    British rap is the genre the album cov­er is a car­toon­ish and dis­plays a kkk mem­ber and an African Amer­i­can woman(both blind) sit­ting on a bench togeth­er. Can’t remem­ber the artists name or any lyrics from the songs. Some­thing I remem­ber hear­ing a while back. Any help would be appre­ci­at­ed !

  • Barry says:

    Hi! I’ve got at least 3,000 vinyl albums and there’s one in my col­lec­tion I can’t find for look­ing! It’s an album from around the ear­ly sev­en­ties which shows a near naked woman prob­a­bly in a back gar­den or a field and she’s cov­er­ing her mod­esty with a hand and her long blonde hair! She seems to be framed pos­si­bly by a win­dow… I do believe to the singer involved this was known as his ‘nude cov­er’, per­haps there was anoth­er ver­sion? How­ev­er, hav­ing total­ly for­got­ten his name I’m pret­ty sure this cov­er maybe helped him gain a few lis­ten­ers he may oth­er­wise have missed out on! It’s a sub­tle cov­er — not in your face and quite col­lec­table! I’d love to find it..! Help!

  • Taylor says:

    It’s a French song I can’t remem­ber the artist nor do I remem­ber the name of the song but the cov­er of the album was either a white back­ground with a white woman that had bee­tles and oth­er bugs in her mouth and or on her OR a sin­gle green bee­tle with a white back­ground.

  • TenshiGurl says:

    The band I’m search­ing for has a female and male vocals and the sing to each oth­er. The CD cov­er is the female in a wed­ding type dress with ros­es or flow­ers print­ed all over it and I think she I in a for­est and it’s not black and white but only a few col­ors are show­ing..

  • Danny b says:

    I’m look­ing for the name of an album that has the sil­hou­ette of man face side on all in black with loads of bright squig­gly loads com­ing out. Indie or rock can’t remem­ber name of group

  • Diwai says:

    Look­ing for an album cov­er. Black back­ground and there was straw arranged neat­ly in a cir­cle. The name of the band or the albu. Has a Japan­ese word in like Saku­ra or some­thing. Super vague but it’s some­thing I heard like 6/7 years ago and I think I lost my phone and for­got about lmao. Please help😭

  • Indy says:

    I’m look­ing for an album cov­er I saw on a song on pan­do­ra many years ago. I believe it was a man with an astro­nauts hel­met stand­ing in the mid­dle of a par­ty

  • Adam says:

    Ok, so I’ve tried search­ing for the name of this artist, but appar­ent­ly, she seems to be com­plete­ly unknown, as well as the song itself. This cov­er that I’m look­ing for isn’t tech­ni­cal­ly an album, I think, as I recall it being more of a sin­gle of which I clear­ly remem­ber a CD copy of way back in 2007. One of my class­mates often brought it to School at the start of the autumn term that year, and it’s CD cov­er depict­ed some woman wear­ing a face mask with two typ­i­cal slices of pick­les on her eyes up-close. In case you’re won­der­ing about the name of the artist her­self, I per­son­al­ly remem­ber it being a very bizarre of an artist like this. — Bob­by Chill (as far as my mem­o­ry goes, and no, it’s not the YouTube artist Chill Bob­by!).
    If any­one knows this artist and CD-cov­er (as well as the song), please con­sid­er reply­ing as fast as you can. ✌

  • Debi Chauvin says:

    I am look­ing for a album. All I can remem­ber from it was the cov­er was red with a rab­bit type ani­mal on the cov­er. It was not a pop­u­lar band. Its emo/alternative I believe. Could also have been pop. Came out any­where between 1999–2006

  • elliot says:

    i’m look­ing for an album cov­er on it was a white male shoul­ders up with a buzzed head and there was rain­bow dust around his face

  • Erv says:

    I’m look­ing for an artist who’s album cov­er was of a white boy with curly blonde hair jump­ing in the sky. Please help.

  • Erv says:

    It was from either the late 70’s ear­ly 80’s

  • Rachel Miller says:

    Back album cov­er looks like it’s black with white street mark­ings and out­lines of 3 peo­ple in red

  • Sam says:

    I need to find an album cov­er it has a yel­low like back­ground and string that out­lines a girl

  • Mia Arpasi says:

    Hi, I’m look­ing for a very gold and glit­tery album. It has a blonde woman on it, also wear­ing gold, look­ing to the left with both of her hands up by her head. It looks as though it’s a bit old­er but it was more recent (2010s). I also think it was in some sort of movie or tv show but I can’t remem­ber the name of that either. The fact that I can’t remem­ber what it is has been both­er­ing me for a while I’d real­ly appre­ci­ate some help. Thank you!

  • Tate says:

    I’m look­ing for a album cov­er with a red back­ground and a tree from a unknown band from either the late 1990s or ear­ly 2000s

  • Tate says:

    Nev­er mind I searched my whole like list of 3,672 songs to find it and I final­ly did the albums called not far away and the bands called rough draft its real­ly a good band but only has 65 month­ly lis­ten­ers on spo­ti­fy i high­ly sug­gest them though there songs can be a huge hit or miss but the ones that are good are usu­al­ly extreme­ly good.

  • Evan says:

    I’m look­ing for an album cov­er or song cov­er of a col­or­ful back­ground and has a black sil­hou­ette show­ing one eye. If you can tell please and thank you!!!

  • Cindy Lou says:

    Album cov­er with 3–4 face sil­hou­ette each was a dif­fer­ent col­or that opened up — col­ors were like pur­ple, maroon, blue???

  • Ian says:

    I’m look­ing for a spe­cif­ic song so not sure if there’s a whole album with the cov­er but I remem­ber it being a coun­try or coun­try rock song and the pic­ture had a pick­up truck fac­ing some­what towards the view­er and there was a bass fish on a fish­ing line. Sor­ry if this is hard to deci­pher but it’s been a while.

  • Andra says:

    I’m look­ing for an album cov­er that has a back­ground of red/maroon (or some shade of red). I believe there might be a black hat (maybe tophat). Idr the artist name or song title. I think the artist is by him­self (vers­es a whole band). I’m pret­ty sure it’s a white guy. I think the song is in the 2010s decade, but could also be any­time between 2000 and 2018. Also, I think the genre of the song might be a New Orleans kind of vibe, but I do not remem­ber if the song itself is about New Orleans or Louisiana (in any way).

  • Samuel says:

    I am look­ing for thé artist with an album cov­er of him- a light skinned Black male- wear­ing a rain coat with hood on, seemed rain­ing, and he was look­ing up slight­ly.

  • Eyad says:

    I’m try­ing to find this album I vague­ly remem­ber from my child­hood, it has a white back­ground with a guy in a col­lared shirt and tie(MAYBE he was shirt­less), and he has hands all over him from behind

  • Adam says:

    Hey, look­ing for a coun­try album, on the cov­er is four guys, the back­ground is blue, it had to be pub­lished between 00s and 2013 and I think the name of the band starts with G

  • Grace says:

    I’m look­ing for an album by a japan Indie singer , that has him sit­ting in the mid­dle of the ocean on a bench

  • Michael says:

    there is bod­ies being formed while text says some­thing and the colour is gold and there is a bronze back­ground

  • Heather says:

    Look­ing for the cov­er album that has a girl hold­ing on to a chain fence that’s around the ear­ly to mid 2000s

  • Lane says:

    Album cov­er with strait legs side­ways in the air, with blue jeans, white con­verse, and a chair in the back­ground against a wall

  • Joe says:

    Are you think­ing of Aphrodite’s Child 666 album. I don’t know where you got the idea they are from India from, but the descrip­tion of the cov­er art reminds me of it.

  • AmyP. says:

    Can any­one help iden­ti­fy this Boleros album from The Par­tridge Fam­i­ly? (I tried to get as good a shot as I could from the episode off the free Roku Chan­nel — It’s sea­son 2/ep.17, most vis­i­ble from the 13:20–13:24 mark, if any­one wants to check it out fur­ther.) Thanks for any help.

  • Theodore T Jones III says:

    hel­lo folks my album upris­ing CSP Lyons Gate records dis­trib­uted IchiBan records 1994 is out there I wrote and per­formed the song Upris­ing on the Dis­trib­uted album, I nev­er got paid for my work even though clear­ly cred­its and points are attrib­uted to me on the album cov­er . Yet here I am try­ing to buy every copy out there one by one . On the inter­net anoth­er pop­u­lar singer has been tak­ing cred­it and col­lect­ed for my work. What can I do if any­one out there has copies of the album (Final or the CD or the album art­work please con­tact me . If any­one has advise on how to han­dle this sit­u­a­tion or any sug­ges­tions hit me up please lis­ten to the song upris­ing tell me what you think I think the song was way ahead of its time and can be used today for theme songs and com­mer­cial adver­tise­ment and though only three of the orig­i­nal mem­bers are alive I am still in the game as the CEO of Bat­acve pro­duc­tions still pro­duc­ing still grind­ing any help would be great­ly appr­ci­at­ed

  • Theodore T Jones III says:

    hel­lo folks my album upris­ing CSP Lyons Gate records dis­trib­uted IchiBan records 1994 is out there I wrote and per­formed the song Upris­ing on the Dis­trib­uted album, I nev­er got paid for my work even though clear­ly cred­its and points are attrib­uted to me on the album cov­er . Yet here I am try­ing to buy every copy out there one by one . On the inter­net anoth­er pop­u­lar singer has been tak­ing cred­it and col­lect­ed for my work. What can I do if any­one out there has copies of the album (Final or the CD or the album art­work please con­tact me . If any­one has advise on how to han­dle this sit­u­a­tion or any sug­ges­tions hit me up please lis­ten to the song upris­ing tell me what you think I think the song was way ahead of its time and can be used today for theme songs and com­mer­cial adver­tise­ment and though only three of the orig­i­nal mem­bers are alive I am still in the game as the CEO of Bat­acve pro­duc­tions still pro­duc­ing still grind­ing any help would be great­ly appr­ci­at­ed.

    PS yes this is the orig­i­nal Lyons Gate before the Com­pa­ny was sold to the now super famous Lyons gate Movie pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny you now enjoy

  • Tara says:

    The art­work was a white back­ground, with a very roy­al red crown on it, maybe some words under­neath, but small. Some­one in my Eng­lish class was lis­ten­ing to it just today, I could­n’t see it too clear­ly.
    Any ideas??

  • Riley langlois says:

    So this man has short curly hair with a mus­tache like hitler and he’s in a field star­ing back at him­self in a mir­ror to a child ver­sion of him­self. He has more laid back music

  • Sami says:

    I used to lis­ten to this emo‑y band in mid­dle school that had mul­ti­ple songs and for all the cov­er art pho­tos it was a black back­ground with a dif­fer­ent col­or cir­cle (could have pos­si­bly
    Been a moon I don’t remem­ber) either orange, blue, or pur­ple for the dif­fer­ent songs.

  • S Christopher says:

    Hi, I saw an album cov­er that had a fig­ure stand­ing on a rock in the sea or lava, it had a light blue sky and tiny red writ­ing in the cor­ner.

  • jordyn says:

    Hel­lo!! I’m look­ing for a goth album that is kin­da funky-ier music and it has a plan­et on it with starts and is either blue or brown. I can’t rem­ber but if you have any ideas please email me at jo***********@gm***.com, thank you

  • Kamden says:

    I’m try­ing to find an album cov­er with a drawn guy puk­ing into the toi­let. It has orange tones I believe.. I’ve been try­ing to find this one song for years but I can’t seem to have any­one who knows it. I’ve looked every­where.

  • Jon says:

    I’m try­ing to find an album I lis­tened to in the mid-late 2000s (?), but I can only remem­ber parts of the cov­er art. I think it was Scan­di­na­vian met­al or met­al-adja­cent.

    The cov­er art was very geometric/runic, lots of con­trast­ing flat col­ors and bold lines. It had a yel­low ish (?) back­ground, with 1 or 2 large + tall god fig­ures on it in the back­ground, and small­er peo­ple (maybe boats?) in the fore­ground.

    The gods were very native Amer­i­can or Aztec-esque, like huge humanoid vul­tures or some­thing, and they stood upright. I want to say there was a blue god and a red god on the left and right sides, and they were maybe bat­tling?

  • Chloe says:

    Its a cov­er with a green back­ground draw­ing with mul­ti­ple arms and legs. Can’t reme­ber what the song was like tho. Prob­ly mid 2000’s

  • Angel says:

    The song is a Span­ish girl singing and about half way through the song a French guy starts singing, the cov­er art for the song is the lady with what I remem­ber to be white hair and a white back­ground with a lit­tle bit of red in the right or left cor­ner

  • Luis says:

    I’m look­ing for the album with the four band mem­bers sit­ting on a long black chair pre­sum­ably at a bar­ber shop

  • mille says:

    im look­ing for a cov­er with a man with a buf­fa­lo head and a girl with a crow head and its most­ly mut­ed col­ors.

  • nikodem says:

    im look­ing for an album cov­er where 5 women in white under­wear are stand­ing with grass in the back­ground one woman is black the oth­er ones are white and their faces have been swapped with man faces

  • noura says:

    it’s an album cov­er with a girl in a black biki­ni and heels and motor­cy­cle hel­met it’s an out­door place with long hair one the songs of this album went viral on tik­tok around 2021–2022 it a slow ver­sion and a sped up ver­sion

  • hunter says:

    Hey Nation Eilaun,

    I am look­ing for the album cover/artist you described in a post on open culture.com in 2022. Your descrip­tion was
    “It’s a white man I think and he wears a beanie and he is hold­ing a green leaf kin­da in prayer hands I think.”

    Did you have any luck fig­ur­ing this out? My sib­ling and I are des­per­ate to find this out. Thanks for any help!

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