When I get to muttering in my beard about kids today, the subject oft turns to digital music and how everything sounds the same and looks the same and “what ever happened to album covers, man….” I mean I know they still exist, but they’re terrible, right? Shiny thumbnail-sized afterthoughts with no more purpose than candy in a shop window display? I will admit it, and not without some chagrin, I’ve always thought that whoever designed Taylor Swift’s 1989 had a canny sense of the derivative as a quality one should wear proudly on one’s sleeve—it’s evocative!, in a fun way, not in the way of her most recent, severely Teutonic cover incarnation.
So, it’s not all bad, because there’s one good Taylor Swift album cover. But then album art has never been all good. Far from it. I remember album covers like this and this and these being the norm. And then there’s … well you’ve probably seen these jaw-dropping monstrosities from the distant past….
Maybe the truly awful album cover is as rare a treasure as the truly great one. Maybe the album cover is as it always was, despite so rarely appearing in a physical form: sometimes an inspired work of art, sometimes a half-assed, tossed-off marketing job, sometimes a half-baked, so-bad-its-good (or not) concept, completely unrelated to the music.
It can sometimes seem like all we have left is nostalgia, but nostalgia can be done well, as in 1989 (even if that record’s cover does evoke, in part, an image from Joni Mitchell’s weird stint in blackface). Or it can be done badly, as in Justin Timberlake’s widely disliked 2018 Man of the Woods, which makes a lame artsy attempt to dress up the fact that it’s kinda ripping off 1989 four years later. I do not know how to evaluate Miley Cyrus’ various Miami Vice-themed covers for her album Bangerz, which came out in the same year as 1989, except to say, good for her for going all the way with this, like, why hold back?
Other recent album covers mime the style of decades past with real swagger, like Swedish folk sister duo First Aid Kit’s Heart-inspired Ruins cover, at the top, featuring one of many retro 70s fonts that have returned of late, as easy to read in thumbnail images as they were on 8‑track tapes. The cover of London artist Arlo’s 2017 single “Safe” has its obvious 80s Duran Duran pastel and marble swirl deco trends down, tastefully and knowingly applied.
You can do your own cultural anthropology of the album cover, from 2018’s era of eye candy glamor, and the recent creative—and not-so-creative—repurposing of the past, to the genuine articles from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s at the Cover Art Archive, a joint project of the Internet Archive and MusicBrainz, an “open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public.
The collection now numbers in the several hundred thousands—upwards of 800,000, according to its results counter—but some of the uploads are not yet complete with images. You are invited to contribute and help make this amazing resource even more comprehensive. “To get started,” the MusicBrainz blog writes, “log in with your MusicBrainz account (or create a new one) find your favorite release and then click on the cover art tab to view the existing pieces of art and/or upload new ones.”
You may find, as you browse and compare genres and eras, that perhaps the album cover is in decline, or you may find that it is alive and well, still an innovative form despite the massive shift in modes of production. At least aged British metal band Saxon, a true original, still keeps it real, further up, with the cover of their 22nd album, 2018’s Thunderbolt. Many of Saxon’s progeny have continued in the tradition of high fantasy metal cover art.
Some things will never return. There’ll never be another Diary of a Madman, that’s for sure, or another Ozzy. But the in-your-face soft-focus garishness of the 80s, and the styles of nearly every other decade, live on, to take a phrase from Childish Gambino’s 2013 outing, Because the Internet.
Enter the Cover Art archive and start searching by year, artist, and other parameters here.
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How The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Changed Album Cover Design Forever
Josh Jones is a writer and musician based in Durham, NC. Follow him at @jdmagness
There are some cool cover concepts at RobLunaMusic.com where they use similar styles as shown here
Do you guys have an API? Looking to pull some of this data for an independent research project.
Your proposing that this archive can be utilized for finding album art at any decent resolution or quality is absurd. Plenty of actual album art sites out there with better quality and quantity and particularly, ease of use. This project is a losing proposition and far too cumbersome.
This is a rock band, it’s a purple album cover with a black mans shadow, the dummers name is alexcia
This is a rnb album and rap the guy has a whjte background with his hands covering his face with tattoos and a beard on his face i dont remember the name but the song has alot of base
Hello!! Looking for a country album, on front cover is a picture of a boot laying in the desert sand with a snake close by or coming out of the boot. Has a fantastic long guitar solo I’m looking for but can’t remember the artist. I only had the cassette. Hope someone can tell me the artist so I can buy the CD or maybe it was never made onto a CD. Seems like late ‘80’s maybe but not sure — it could have just been an old cassette someone gave me.
Album cover that was brown/ tan with a tree in the middle.I remember listening to it in Highschool 2003/2004
Elvis second to none
These aren’t high resolution in the slightest. Total waste of everyone’s time.
Looking for the album or song that goes with an album cover with artwork in the garden of Eden and the devil in love with the naked woman. Would be Alternative from 2018 or 2019. (Renaissance look)
i’m looking for this album cover of this band w a female lead singer that includes an orange stick figure cat head & and white stick figure dog head & the background is a solid bright color i think. i’m not sure i just know the cat and dog are side by side and the genre is i believe alternative or rock. i’m not entirely sure
I’ve been searching all over the name of this hippie/psychedelic band. They had kind of a softer sound.
The cover had 5–6 men sitting outdoors, (maybe in front of a fire). They looked like they were in their 40s, and wearing hippie garb. The color in the album was kind of muted so I think it was from the 70s.
looking for an Epitaph album it was black and red it was from warped tour 2005 I belive. a girlfriend bought it for me and it is lost but I’m trying to find the songs on it. I’ve remembered a few of the song on the CD but I’d like to find the whole album
Hey, I’m looking for an album where in the cover the artist-who is a female in neutral color clothes is kind of hanging in a tree, like playing around, not dead- the green of the trees is the main color of the album and if I’m pushing it, I think the name of the artist might be Madeline *something * or something along those lines. The songs on there are alternative, slow indie kind of songs. I hope y’all can help,Thank you!
It’s a rock bad, they weren’t that huge like Kiss or anything but it had woman riding a pistol . One of the songs had the name Jane in it.
the album is:
Band Name: L.A. GUNS
Album Title: COCKED & LOADED
Long shot here cause I can’t remember the song names or artist all I can remember is is a late 90s early 2000s alternative band. One hit maybe two hit wonders. The cd was yellow with a possible purple brain in the middle or purple something with tentacles? It’s driving me crazy does anyone have any idea? Male singer band. The purple brain or what ever it was also had other stuff around it was a very busy cool cd cover.
hii, the album I’m looking for is by a band (I believe it’s rock) and the background was a dark green or black tone (and in the middle there were two people, an adult and a child holding hands) and in the official clip of the song, the thumbnail was of a girl on a subway (it had a blue tone in the background) please help me find it
A black guy with a pipe/flute in his mouth say on a rock I think it’s an old song I’m pretty sure and it’s like soul ish music
Maybe someone can help me, I’m trying to find a single from an artist that I do not remember. All I remember was the album cover, and that it’s on the lines of alternative rock with a male singer. The album cover shows a back road with electrical poles, if I remember correctly the sun is setting. I know it’s a long shot but I would love to hear the song again.
I’m trying to find the album cover of a band of a small child in grass with a monster mask or helmet on
I’m looking for an album cover that is a golden outline of a man on one knee in sandles and a kilt with long hair and a beard. He is holding up a globe of the world above his head. I can’t remember the name of the artist but the song was a love song for a girl and I think it was about going in a hot air balloon with her.
the album im looking for has a pink background. in the center there is a sculpture/statue of a naked woman. not too graphic tho i believe it has a more modern style of sculpture. the singer is male and has a guitar. the album has a song called “You” on it.
Im looking for an album cover that has a woman running on top of buildings with high heels. The cover is illustrated and colorful. The buildings have spikey rooftops. I saw it for sale in a group of other albumsfrom the 70s 0r 80s.
The album cover I am looking for is a black background with white bulb lights at the top and bottom of the picture, I cannot remember the whole text but in big bold silver is the number 80, it has songs by Baby Bash and Black eyed peas on it.
Hey, I’m looking for an album of classic rock. The songs i remember it having are, Dust in the Wind by Kansas, Show Me What Love is by Foreigner, Sister Christian by Night Rangers, and Rosanna by, i think, Toto(?). The cover color was mostly blue and black. Has a Powerfist and holding on a human heart. And i think it had at least another 21 songs of various artists
I’m trying to find the album art of a Christian album from like 2004 from Mardel’s that had a green cover with a sort of rectangle line on it with more kinda stringy lines filling that up.
I’m also trying to find a the cd, as with the other one just mentioned, from the same year (2004), that was like all yellow. It also was a Christian C.D. and in the same area in the store
I ‘m looking for the name of a band with a tv on the CD cover
They are punk rock. Thanks.
I’m looking for an album with a Woman on it, the album is entirely white and so is the Woman. I think she had something like a Ted hairnet that covered a part of her face.
Sepia cover with dark skinned men half naked holding dollar bills with a white man clothed lying dead
It’s a white man I think and he wears a beanie and he is holding a green leaf kinda in prayer hands I think.
Aesthetic group of nude female backside
Hi i’m looking for a song w a black background and a big white cheeta face on it w blue eyes. it’s a pop song very much like you and me by flume and never be like u by flume. I’ve been searching for days i’m going crazy any 2000 kids that like pop please let me know !!!!
found it !!! it’s Runaway by Galantis
i know it’s like an alternative style song but it has a black background and a single blue eye on the cover i saw it on insta one day and the lyrics i remember are jumbled up
I’m looking for a rock/ pop punk/ emo song.
It was red and black with black silhouettes
Of people. Please help me I want to listen to it.
The background color of the album cover is dark green. The model is a light-brown skinned girl named Mary Lassiter. The album was made in the late 1960’s or in the 1970’s. I believe the music genre is jazz, but could be Latin or R&B.
hi im looking for a cd from 1999 with regal recordings, it has a river going through the middle of a yellow‑y village with snowy mountains in the back and at the start of the river there’s boats and grey and white checkered floor thing to the right of the river
prolly circles
It’s a 90s ‑2000s alt rock album and there’s four or five people on the album cover , ones a girl , all in black turtle necks , they are facing the camera and there’s grass in the background , the band name starts off with THE
I’m looking for the album cover of a female latin artist. The cover had a black background with the face of a woman with black hair in the middle. There was some sort of filter on it which made it look like she had either 4 or 6 eyes. The artist’s name could’ve been sofia but im not sure. This was around 2014 I think? But the album might’ve been released earlier.
Any clues would be appreciated!
the album cover is in like a studio apartment with stuff and i specifically remember a ladder too and plant and bunch of other stuff in front of this window. the artist is a dude i’m pretty sure.
trying to find early 1970s record album.only know the cover. it was a red album cover with big white numbers 666 the band sounded like they are from India. one of the songs was about the four horse man of the apocalips. can you please help .
Hi! I’m looking for an indie/rock band but I don’t remember the name. I just remember the album cover, it has an evil child creepy vibe. It has a boy with (black or red) eyes in a room, he is holding a lollipop in his mouth, there is an upside down cross on the wall behind him. He is wearing a sweatshirt (I think it’s green). There is an original picture, the band must have edited it to make it have this creepy vibe.
Hi! This is Julia. I just found the band on Spotify, the band is The Drums and the album is Portamento (2011). I had already tried to find it in my recently searches and my playlists but got no result. I was like crazy looking for it on the internet. I think somehow the app must have read the searches I was doing in the browser because I just typed “album cover” on Spotify app and it showed exactly what I was looking for. So I came back here to let you know. Cheers! =D
Hey got a weird one.
British rap is the genre the album cover is a cartoonish and displays a kkk member and an African American woman(both blind) sitting on a bench together. Can’t remember the artists name or any lyrics from the songs. Something I remember hearing a while back. Any help would be appreciated !
Hi! I’ve got at least 3,000 vinyl albums and there’s one in my collection I can’t find for looking! It’s an album from around the early seventies which shows a near naked woman probably in a back garden or a field and she’s covering her modesty with a hand and her long blonde hair! She seems to be framed possibly by a window… I do believe to the singer involved this was known as his ‘nude cover’, perhaps there was another version? However, having totally forgotten his name I’m pretty sure this cover maybe helped him gain a few listeners he may otherwise have missed out on! It’s a subtle cover — not in your face and quite collectable! I’d love to find it..! Help!
It’s a French song I can’t remember the artist nor do I remember the name of the song but the cover of the album was either a white background with a white woman that had beetles and other bugs in her mouth and or on her OR a single green beetle with a white background.
The band I’m searching for has a female and male vocals and the sing to each other. The CD cover is the female in a wedding type dress with roses or flowers printed all over it and I think she I in a forest and it’s not black and white but only a few colors are showing..
I’m looking for the name of an album that has the silhouette of man face side on all in black with loads of bright squiggly loads coming out. Indie or rock can’t remember name of group
Looking for an album cover. Black background and there was straw arranged neatly in a circle. The name of the band or the albu. Has a Japanese word in like Sakura or something. Super vague but it’s something I heard like 6/7 years ago and I think I lost my phone and forgot about lmao. Please help😭
I’m looking for an album cover I saw on a song on pandora many years ago. I believe it was a man with an astronauts helmet standing in the middle of a party
Ok, so I’ve tried searching for the name of this artist, but apparently, she seems to be completely unknown, as well as the song itself. This cover that I’m looking for isn’t technically an album, I think, as I recall it being more of a single of which I clearly remember a CD copy of way back in 2007. One of my classmates often brought it to School at the start of the autumn term that year, and it’s CD cover depicted some woman wearing a face mask with two typical slices of pickles on her eyes up-close. In case you’re wondering about the name of the artist herself, I personally remember it being a very bizarre of an artist like this. — Bobby Chill (as far as my memory goes, and no, it’s not the YouTube artist Chill Bobby!).
If anyone knows this artist and CD-cover (as well as the song), please consider replying as fast as you can. ✌
I am looking for a album. All I can remember from it was the cover was red with a rabbit type animal on the cover. It was not a popular band. Its emo/alternative I believe. Could also have been pop. Came out anywhere between 1999–2006
i’m looking for an album cover on it was a white male shoulders up with a buzzed head and there was rainbow dust around his face
I’m looking for an artist who’s album cover was of a white boy with curly blonde hair jumping in the sky. Please help.
It was from either the late 70’s early 80’s
Back album cover looks like it’s black with white street markings and outlines of 3 people in red
I need to find an album cover it has a yellow like background and string that outlines a girl
Hi, I’m looking for a very gold and glittery album. It has a blonde woman on it, also wearing gold, looking to the left with both of her hands up by her head. It looks as though it’s a bit older but it was more recent (2010s). I also think it was in some sort of movie or tv show but I can’t remember the name of that either. The fact that I can’t remember what it is has been bothering me for a while I’d really appreciate some help. Thank you!
I’m looking for a album cover with a red background and a tree from a unknown band from either the late 1990s or early 2000s
Never mind I searched my whole like list of 3,672 songs to find it and I finally did the albums called not far away and the bands called rough draft its really a good band but only has 65 monthly listeners on spotify i highly suggest them though there songs can be a huge hit or miss but the ones that are good are usually extremely good.
I’m looking for an album cover or song cover of a colorful background and has a black silhouette showing one eye. If you can tell please and thank you!!!
Album cover with 3–4 face silhouette each was a different color that opened up — colors were like purple, maroon, blue???
I’m looking for a specific song so not sure if there’s a whole album with the cover but I remember it being a country or country rock song and the picture had a pickup truck facing somewhat towards the viewer and there was a bass fish on a fishing line. Sorry if this is hard to decipher but it’s been a while.
I’m looking for an album cover that has a background of red/maroon (or some shade of red). I believe there might be a black hat (maybe tophat). Idr the artist name or song title. I think the artist is by himself (verses a whole band). I’m pretty sure it’s a white guy. I think the song is in the 2010s decade, but could also be anytime between 2000 and 2018. Also, I think the genre of the song might be a New Orleans kind of vibe, but I do not remember if the song itself is about New Orleans or Louisiana (in any way).
I am looking for thé artist with an album cover of him- a light skinned Black male- wearing a rain coat with hood on, seemed raining, and he was looking up slightly.
I’m trying to find this album I vaguely remember from my childhood, it has a white background with a guy in a collared shirt and tie(MAYBE he was shirtless), and he has hands all over him from behind
Hey, looking for a country album, on the cover is four guys, the background is blue, it had to be published between 00s and 2013 and I think the name of the band starts with G
I’m looking for an album by a japan Indie singer , that has him sitting in the middle of the ocean on a bench
there is bodies being formed while text says something and the colour is gold and there is a bronze background
Looking for the cover album that has a girl holding on to a chain fence that’s around the early to mid 2000s
Album cover with strait legs sideways in the air, with blue jeans, white converse, and a chair in the background against a wall
Are you thinking of Aphrodite’s Child 666 album. I don’t know where you got the idea they are from India from, but the description of the cover art reminds me of it.
Can anyone help identify this Boleros album from The Partridge Family? (I tried to get as good a shot as I could from the episode off the free Roku Channel — It’s season 2/ep.17, most visible from the 13:20–13:24 mark, if anyone wants to check it out further.) Thanks for any help.
hello folks my album uprising CSP Lyons Gate records distributed IchiBan records 1994 is out there I wrote and performed the song Uprising on the Distributed album, I never got paid for my work even though clearly credits and points are attributed to me on the album cover . Yet here I am trying to buy every copy out there one by one . On the internet another popular singer has been taking credit and collected for my work. What can I do if anyone out there has copies of the album (Final or the CD or the album artwork please contact me . If anyone has advise on how to handle this situation or any suggestions hit me up please listen to the song uprising tell me what you think I think the song was way ahead of its time and can be used today for theme songs and commercial advertisement and though only three of the original members are alive I am still in the game as the CEO of Batacve productions still producing still grinding any help would be greatly apprciated
hello folks my album uprising CSP Lyons Gate records distributed IchiBan records 1994 is out there I wrote and performed the song Uprising on the Distributed album, I never got paid for my work even though clearly credits and points are attributed to me on the album cover . Yet here I am trying to buy every copy out there one by one . On the internet another popular singer has been taking credit and collected for my work. What can I do if anyone out there has copies of the album (Final or the CD or the album artwork please contact me . If anyone has advise on how to handle this situation or any suggestions hit me up please listen to the song uprising tell me what you think I think the song was way ahead of its time and can be used today for theme songs and commercial advertisement and though only three of the original members are alive I am still in the game as the CEO of Batacve productions still producing still grinding any help would be greatly apprciated.
PS yes this is the original Lyons Gate before the Company was sold to the now super famous Lyons gate Movie production company you now enjoy
The artwork was a white background, with a very royal red crown on it, maybe some words underneath, but small. Someone in my English class was listening to it just today, I couldn’t see it too clearly.
Any ideas??
So this man has short curly hair with a mustache like hitler and he’s in a field staring back at himself in a mirror to a child version of himself. He has more laid back music
I used to listen to this emo‑y band in middle school that had multiple songs and for all the cover art photos it was a black background with a different color circle (could have possibly
Been a moon I don’t remember) either orange, blue, or purple for the different songs.
Hi, I saw an album cover that had a figure standing on a rock in the sea or lava, it had a light blue sky and tiny red writing in the corner.
Hello!! I’m looking for a goth album that is kinda funky-ier music and it has a planet on it with starts and is either blue or brown. I can’t rember but if you have any ideas please email me at jo***********@gm***.com, thank you
I’m trying to find an album cover with a drawn guy puking into the toilet. It has orange tones I believe.. I’ve been trying to find this one song for years but I can’t seem to have anyone who knows it. I’ve looked everywhere.
I’m trying to find an album I listened to in the mid-late 2000s (?), but I can only remember parts of the cover art. I think it was Scandinavian metal or metal-adjacent.
The cover art was very geometric/runic, lots of contrasting flat colors and bold lines. It had a yellow ish (?) background, with 1 or 2 large + tall god figures on it in the background, and smaller people (maybe boats?) in the foreground.
The gods were very native American or Aztec-esque, like huge humanoid vultures or something, and they stood upright. I want to say there was a blue god and a red god on the left and right sides, and they were maybe battling?
Its a cover with a green background drawing with multiple arms and legs. Can’t remeber what the song was like tho. Probly mid 2000’s
The song is a Spanish girl singing and about half way through the song a French guy starts singing, the cover art for the song is the lady with what I remember to be white hair and a white background with a little bit of red in the right or left corner
I’m looking for the album with the four band members sitting on a long black chair presumably at a barber shop
im looking for a cover with a man with a buffalo head and a girl with a crow head and its mostly muted colors.
im looking for an album cover where 5 women in white underwear are standing with grass in the background one woman is black the other ones are white and their faces have been swapped with man faces
it’s an album cover with a girl in a black bikini and heels and motorcycle helmet it’s an outdoor place with long hair one the songs of this album went viral on tiktok around 2021–2022 it a slow version and a sped up version
Hey Nation Eilaun,
I am looking for the album cover/artist you described in a post on open culture.com in 2022. Your description was
“It’s a white man I think and he wears a beanie and he is holding a green leaf kinda in prayer hands I think.”
Did you have any luck figuring this out? My sibling and I are desperate to find this out. Thanks for any help!