Robert B. Reich served as SecÂreÂtary of Labor under PresÂiÂdent Bill ClinÂton and was latÂer named one of the 10 most effecÂtive cabÂiÂnet secÂreÂtaries of the 20th cenÂtuÂry by TIME MagÂaÂzine. NowaÂdays, Reich teachÂes coursÂes on pubÂlic polÂiÂcy at UC BerkeÂley, and uses his popÂuÂlar FaceÂbook page to disÂcuss polÂiÂcy quesÂtions with a much broadÂer audiÂence. So here’s the next the logÂiÂcal step: This semesÂter, Reich is teachÂing a BerkeÂley course on wealth and inequalÂiÂty in AmerÂiÂca, and he’s makÂing the lecÂtures themÂselves availÂable on FaceÂbook too. Watch the openÂing lecÂture above, and then check back in for new installÂments.
Note: Once you start playÂing the video, you might need to enable the audio in the lowÂer right hand corÂner of the video playÂer.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Robert Reich Debunks Three EcoÂnomÂic Myths by DrawÂing CarÂtoons
Free Online PolitÂiÂcal SciÂence CoursÂes
Thank you for makÂing your class availÂable. I don’t think you need to turn to those of us on line so often. It bogs down your disÂcourse. I am folÂlowÂing along just fine so we must believe everyÂone else is.
We are disÂcussing the awe, ow facÂtor, that makes change posÂsiÂble. Okay back to class.
Thanks so much. Great talent& teacher. TruÂely a nationÂal treaÂsure, Robert Reich!!!!