FYI: If you sign up for a MasÂterÂClass course by clickÂing on the affilÂiÂate links in this post, Open CulÂture will receive a small fee that helps supÂport our operÂaÂtion.
A quick update to someÂthing we first menÂtioned last June. On MasÂterÂclass, jazz legÂend HerÂbie HanÂcock is now teachÂing his first online course on jazz. In 25 video lessons, the 14-time GramÂmy winÂner shares his approach to improÂviÂsaÂtion, comÂpoÂsiÂtion, and harÂmoÂny, and gives stuÂdents access to 10+ origÂiÂnal piano tranÂscripÂtions, includÂing 5 excluÂsive solo perÂforÂmances. Plus there’s a downÂloadÂable workÂbook.
You can take this class by signÂing up for a MasÂterÂClass’ All Access Pass. The All Access Pass will give you instant access to this course and 85 othÂers for a 12-month periÂod.
If you would like to sign up for Open Culture’s free email newsletÂter, please find it here. Or folÂlow our posts on Threads, FaceÂbook, BlueSky or Mastodon.
If you would like to supÂport the misÂsion of Open CulÂture, conÂsidÂer makÂing a donaÂtion to our site. It’s hard to rely 100% on ads, and your conÂtriÂbuÂtions will help us conÂtinÂue proÂvidÂing the best free culÂturÂal and eduÂcaÂtionÂal mateÂriÂals to learnÂers everyÂwhere. You can conÂtribute through PayÂPal, PatreÂon, and VenÂmo (@openculture). Thanks!
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Watch HerÂbie HanÂcock Rock Out on an EarÂly SynÂtheÂsizÂer on Sesame Street (1983)
ı need the folÂlowÂing ınforÂmatıon
1- ıf ı get the usd 180 packÂage how long shall ı use the masÂterÂclases.
2‑ıf ı subÂscribe for one year will you renew autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly or by askÂing me at the end of the year.