Helen Mirren Now Teaching Her First Online Course on Acting

FYI: If you sign up for a Mas­ter­Class course by click­ing on the affil­i­ate links in this post, Open Cul­ture will receive a small fee that helps sup­port our oper­a­tion.

Mas­ter­Class remains on fire. In recent months, the new online course provider has announced the devel­op­ment of online cours­es taught by lead­ing fig­ures in their fields. And cer­tain­ly some names you’ll rec­og­nize: Mar­tin Scors­ese on Film­mak­ingHer­bie Han­cock on JazzDr. Jane Goodall on the Envi­ron­mentDavid Mamet on Dra­mat­ic Writ­ingSteve Mar­tin on Com­e­dy, Ron Howard on Direct­ing and Wern­er Her­zog on Film­mak­ing too. Now add this to the list: Helen Mir­ren on Act­ing:

Writes Mas­ter­Class:

Oscar, Gold­en Globe, Emmy, and Tony win­ner Helen Mir­ren is one of the great­est actress­es of our time. In her first online class, she dis­cuss­es the dual­ism that is core to her method: the neces­si­ty for mas­ter­ing tech­nique (craft) and then let­ting go so that your imag­i­na­tion can take over (art). Learn how to break down a script, research char­ac­ters, and mas­ter tech­niques so you can tran­scend them to find free­dom in every role.

The course just opened for enroll­ment. Priced at $90, the course fea­tures 28 video lessons where Mir­ren “brings you behind the scenes to show you the secrets of her act­ing tech­nique.” And a down­load­able work­book that fea­tures sup­ple­men­tal mate­ri­als and les­son recaps.

Learn more about Helen Mir­ren Teach­es Act­ing here. And if you’re inter­est­ed in get­ting access to all of Mas­ter­Class’ cours­es, you can buy an All-Access Annu­al Pass.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Helen Mir­ren Holds Her Own (and Then Some) in a Cringe-Induc­ing­ly Sex­ist TV Inter­view, 1975

Helen Mir­ren Tells Us Why Wass­i­ly Kandin­sky Is Her Favorite Artist (And What Act­ing & Mod­ern Art Have in Com­mon)

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