FYI: If you sign up for a MasÂterÂClass course by clickÂing on the affilÂiÂate links in this post, Open CulÂture will receive a small fee that helps supÂport our operÂaÂtion.
If you need to make movies, if you feel like you can’t rest until you’ve told this parÂticÂuÂlar stoÂry that you’re burnÂing to tell, then MarÂtin ScorsÂese has a course for you. Through MasÂterÂClass, the direcÂtor of GoodÂfelÂlas, RagÂing Bull, Taxi DriÂver, and Mean Streets is now set to teach his first online course. AccordÂing to the video trailÂer above, ScorsÂese will explore in 20+ lessons everyÂthing from cinÂeÂmatogÂraÂphy and editÂing, to workÂing with actors, on-set directÂing, and develÂopÂing a perÂsonÂal filmÂmakÂing style. The $90 course won’t be released until earÂly 2018, but anyÂone who pre-enrolls now will get earÂly access to the class.
While you wait, you can also take WernÂer HerÂzog’s own course on filmÂmakÂing (also offered through MasÂterÂClass). Or explore ScorsÂese’s lists of recÂomÂmendÂed films that we’ve preÂviÂousÂly feaÂtured here on Open CulÂture. Find them in the RelatÂeds right below.
If you would like to sign up for Open Culture’s free email newsletÂter, please find it here. It’s a great way to see our new posts, all bunÂdled in one email, each day.
If you would like to supÂport the misÂsion of Open CulÂture, conÂsidÂer makÂing a donaÂtion to our site. It’s hard to rely 100% on ads, and your conÂtriÂbuÂtions will help us conÂtinÂue proÂvidÂing the best free culÂturÂal and eduÂcaÂtionÂal mateÂriÂals to learnÂers everyÂwhere. You can conÂtribute through PayÂPal, PatreÂon, and VenÂmo (@openculture). Thanks!
Note: MasÂterÂClass is one of our partÂners. So if you sign up for a course, it benÂeÂfits not just you and MasÂterÂClass. It benÂeÂfits Open CulÂture too. So conÂsidÂer it win-win-win.
OthÂer MasÂterÂClass coursÂes worth explorÂing include:
- HerÂbie HanÂcock on Jazz
- GarÂry KasÂparov on Chess
- Dr. Jane Goodall on the EnviÂronÂment
- David Mamet on DraÂmatÂic WritÂing
- Steve MarÂtin on ComÂeÂdy
- Aaron Sorkin on ScreenÂwritÂing
- GorÂdon RamÂsay on CookÂing
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
MarÂtin ScorsÂese CreÂates a List of 39 EssenÂtial ForÂeign Films for a Young FilmÂmakÂer
MarÂtin ScorsÂese Makes a List of 85 Films Every AspirÂing FilmÂmakÂer Needs to See
MarÂtin ScorsÂese Names His Top 10 Films in the CriÂteÂriÂon ColÂlecÂtion
WernÂer HerÂzog TeachÂes His First Online Course on FilmÂmakÂing
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