Dr. Weil’s 60-Second Technique for Falling Asleep

Give Dr. Andrew Weil three min­utes, and he can teach you a 60-sec­ond tech­nique for falling asleep. Above, the alter­na­tive med­i­cine guru walks you through the 4–7‑8 breath­ing method. As he demon­strates, it “takes almost no time, requires no equip­ment and can be done any­where.” And once you mas­ter it, you can use the 4–7‑8 breath­ing tech­nique (explained and demon­strat­ed in greater detail here ) to low­er your anx­i­ety lev­els (use­ful these days!), nav­i­gate ten­sion-filled moments, and deal with food crav­ings.

Else­where, Weil has said, “If I had to lim­it my advice on health­i­er liv­ing to just one tip, it would be sim­ply to learn how to breathe cor­rect­ly.” Hence why he cre­at­ed an audio record­ing, Breath­ing: The Mas­ter Key to Self Heal­ing, which you can still pur­chase online.

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via The Lad­ders

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  • Leila says:

    This looks like a great breath to learn to use. I am won­der­ing whether the tongue needs to be held behind the teeth through­out the exer­cise or only when inhal­ing and hold­ing the breath? Thanks.

  • IsabelG says:

    There is a video on Dr Weil’s youtube chan­nel https://youtu.be/YRPh_GaiL8s

    “Note that you always inhale qui­et­ly through your nose and exhale audi­bly through your mouth. The tip of your tongue stays in posi­tion the whole time. ”

  • Lisa says:

    This works and cured me of life­long insom­nia.

  • Bina says:

    A ther­a­pist taught me this tech­nique years ago, and it’s very help­ful. I used it just before I had to do an impor­tant pre­sen­ta­tion in front of VIPs (includ­ing my boss), and I was amazed at how calm I was able to be.

    The prin­ci­ple is that the exhale should be about twice as long as the inhale, with a brief pause (hold­ing the breath) in between. It coun­ter­acts the usu­al ten­den­cy to inhale too much when we’re ner­vous, which can cause light­head­ed­ness and even dizzi­ness by tak­ing in too much oxy­gen too fast (aka hyper­ven­ti­la­tion). Exhal­ing slow­ly (does­n’t have to be as noisy as he demon­strates) slows the breath and makes sure you exhale car­bon diox­ide ful­ly and slow­ly.

    It also dis­tracts your con­scious mind a bit because you have to count and pay atten­tion to the tech­nique rather than to what you’re wor­ried about.

  • Peter says:

    Why do I have to watch am 8+ minute video, when the tech­nique can be explained in 2–3 phras­es. Could use the remain­der of the time to sleep

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