FYI: If you folÂlow edtech, you know the name Andrew Ng. He’s the StanÂford comÂputÂer sciÂence proÂfesÂsor, who co-foundÂed MOOC-provider CoursÂera and latÂer became chief sciÂenÂtist at Baidu. Since leavÂing Baidu, he’s been workÂing on three artiÂfiÂcial intelÂliÂgence projects, the first of which he unveiled yesÂterÂday. On MediÂum, he wrote:
I have been workÂing on three new AI projects, and am thrilled to announce the first one:, a project dedÂiÂcatÂed to disÂsemÂiÂnatÂing AI knowlÂedge, is launchÂing a new sequence of Deep LearnÂing coursÂes on CoursÂera. These coursÂes will help you masÂter Deep LearnÂing, apply it effecÂtiveÂly, and build a career in AI.
SpeakÂing to the MIT TechÂnolÂoÂgy Review, Ng elabÂoÂratÂed: “The thing that realÂly excites me today is buildÂing a new AI-powÂered sociÂety… I don’t think any one comÂpaÂny could do all the work that needs to be done, so I think the only way to get there is if we teach milÂlions of peoÂple to use these AI tools so they can go and invent the things that no large comÂpaÂny, or comÂpaÂny I could build, could do.”
Andrew’s new 5‑part series of coursÂes on Deep LearnÂing can be accessed here. CoursÂes include: NeurÂal NetÂworks and Deep LearnÂing, ImprovÂing Deep NeurÂal NetÂworks, StrucÂturÂing Machine LearnÂing Projects, ConÂvoÂluÂtionÂal NeurÂal NetÂworks, and Sequence ModÂels.
You can find these coursÂes on our list of Free ComÂputÂer SciÂence CoursÂes, a subÂset of our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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ArtiÂfiÂcial IntelÂliÂgence: A Free Online Course from MIT
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