Image of Ron Paul, Don Black, Derek Black (right), via WikiÂmeÂdia ComÂmons
A native of West Palm Beach, FloriÂda, Derek Black grew up in one of the most promiÂnent white nationÂalÂist famÂiÂlies in the UnitÂed States. He’s the son of Don Black, a forÂmer grand wizÂard of the Ku Klux Klan. And he’s the godÂson of David Duke, “the most recÂogÂnizÂable figÂure of the AmerÂiÂcan radÂiÂcal right, a neo-Nazi, longÂtime Klan leader and now interÂnaÂtionÂal spokesman for HoloÂcaust denial” (per the SouthÂern PoverÂty Law CenÂter). In short, Derek Black had every reaÂson to grow up a racist, and remain a racist from craÂdle to grave. But things didÂn’t turn out that way.
Below, you can hear Black explain how, as a young adult, he broke with white nationÂalÂism, leavÂing behind his famÂiÂly, friends and comÂmuÂniÂty. What laid the groundÂwork for that break? Going to a small libÂerÂal arts colÂlege, encounÂterÂing new ideas, and meetÂing difÂferÂent peoÂple. In this recordÂed interÂview, he tells Michael BarÂbaro of The New York Times:
In 2010, I moved across the state and startÂed colÂlege at this litÂtle libÂerÂal arts colÂlege in FloriÂda, which was about three and a half hours from home and it was the first time that I had lived away from home. Nobody knew who I was and I did not volÂunÂteer who I was or anyÂthing about my backÂground, I made friends, hung out with peoÂple and played my guiÂtar on my balÂcony in my dorm. It was nice to come back from class and be able to talk about hisÂtoÂry or phiÂlosÂoÂphy or whatÂevÂer othÂer subÂject and be around othÂer peoÂple.…
I had a friend on camÂpus who I had gotÂten to know durÂing my first semesÂter when nobody knew who I was, he was an obserÂvant Jew who had ShabÂbat dinÂners pretÂty regÂuÂlarÂly whenÂevÂer he was in town on FriÂday night and he would invite peoÂple of atheÂists and all sorts of difÂferÂent reliÂgions. It was just a nice dinÂner. And so he actuÂalÂly invitÂed me to one of the ShabÂbats, and I knew him, and so I brought wine…
He had read my posts on StormÂfront [a white nationÂalÂist webÂsite creÂatÂed by Don Black] going back years — even the stuff when I was a teenagÂer — and he doubtÂed that he was going to conÂvince me of anyÂthing, he just wantÂed to let me see a JewÂish comÂmuÂniÂty thing so that if I was going to keep sayÂing these anti-SemitÂic things that at least I had seen real Jews.
It was ultiÂmateÂly in priÂvate conÂverÂsaÂtions with a perÂson I met at the ShabÂbat dinÂners … we would talk about things. Not only white nationÂalÂism, but evenÂtuÂalÂly white nationÂalÂism. And I would say, “This is what I believe about I.Q. difÂferÂences, I have 12 difÂferÂent studÂies that have been pubÂlished over the years, here’s the jourÂnal that’s put this stuff togethÂer, I believe that this is true, that race preÂdicts I.Q. and that there were I.Q. difÂferÂences in races.” And they would come back with 150 more recent, more well researched studÂies and explain to me how staÂtisÂtics works and we would go back and forth until I would come to the end of that arguÂment and I’d say, Yes that makes sense, that does not hold togethÂer and I’ll remove that from my ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal toolÂbox but everyÂthing else is still there. And we did that over a year or two on one thing after anothÂer until I got to a point where I didn’t believe it anyÂmore.
As you stream the interÂview below, spend some time thinkÂing about the transÂforÂmaÂtive powÂer of a libÂerÂal arts eduÂcaÂtion. Yes, more than an expeÂdiÂent busiÂness degree, it can change hearts and save lives.
Also pay attenÂtion to BlackÂ’s final thoughts on what Trump’s response to the CharÂlottesville draÂma did for the White nationÂalÂist moveÂment: “I think TuesÂday was the most imporÂtant moment in the hisÂtoÂry of the modÂern white nationÂalÂist moveÂment.” Trump “said there were good peoÂple in the white nationÂalÂist ralÂly and he salÂvaged their mesÂsage.”
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Yes, but the probÂlem is a real libÂerÂal arts eduÂcaÂtion realÂly doesÂn’t exist any more (outÂside a handÂful of colÂleges). The modÂern uniÂverÂsiÂty has become dedÂiÂcatÂed to indocÂtriÂnaÂtion. GenetÂic diverÂsiÂty is put on a pedestal while diverÂsiÂty of opinÂion is forÂbidÂden. Its such a shame.
And also, apparÂentÂly, how to subÂstiÂtute snark for counter-arguÂment.