Artistic Maps of Pakistan & India Show the Embroidery Techniques of Their Different Regions

Jour­nal­ist Saima Mir post­ed to Twit­ter this “map of Pak­istan show­ing the embroi­dery tech­niques of its regions.” And, sure enough, it led to some­one sur­fac­ing a cor­re­spond­ing map of Pak­istan’s neigh­bor, India. The under­ly­ing mes­sage of the maps? It’s to show, as @AlmostLived not­ed, “how diverse ele­ments come togeth­er to make beau­ti­ful things.” The map above was orig­i­nal­ly pro­duced by Gen­er­a­tion, a Pak­istani fash­ion com­pa­ny. We’re not clear on the ori­gin of the India map, unfor­tu­nate­ly.

via Boing Boing

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Comments (13)
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  • SB_London says:

    Real­ly good to see though I think there is much more over­lap between neigh­bour­ing states/provinces in the two coun­tries.

  • Ilmana Fasih says:

    Just to clar­i­fy, I had orig­i­nal­ly post­ed the two maps first and days before Saima Mir saw it on my post.
    I saw the Indi­an map first sev­er­al days ago, then my daugh­ter found the Pak­istani.
    Being an Indi­an-Pak­istani I found it nat­ur­al to put them togeth­er espe­cial­ly on 14/15 August. I have nev­er wished for Inde­pen­dence Day to India and Pak­istan sep­a­rate­ly for past 27 years.
    Saima got back to me to ask its source. I just sug­gest­ed to her to please share both instead of only Pak­istan’s.
    Here is my orig­i­nal link.

  • Asif Shaikh says:

    Indi­an maps, con­fus­ing weath­er its weaves, embroi­dery, paint­ing, print­ing / tex­ture.
    In Gujarat most impor­tant tex­tile is Patan Pato­la ( Dou­ble Ikat ).

  • Asif shaikh says:

    Con­fus­ing map
    Bandhni , kalamkari and dif­fer­ent weaves are not embroi­dery.
    If it is tex­tiles, Patan Pato­la (dou­ble Ikat ) from Gujarat is very impor­tant tex­tile.

  • Alyson says:

    I’m a lit­tle dis­ap­point­ed to see that the maps are not fab­ric but pho­to­shopped.

  • KEEF DROGAN says:

    I can’t even begin to imag­ine how many tex­tiles would’ve been destroyed to make a map such as this one! I’m absolute­ly fine with the pho­to­shop ver­sions for that very rea­son.

  • Debopriya says:

    Jam­dani is from Bangladesh. West ben­gal is famous for tant ..

  • Sana says:

    “Craft”, not all are “embroi­dery”. Please fix the title.

  • Lisa says:

    I won­der Why Bangladesh (East Ben­gal as in those days) is left out of the Map ?
    Is there a par­tic­u­lar Rea­son as to Why ?

  • saha says:

    A miss lead­ing Indi­an map.

    The style Jam­dani is orig­i­nat­ed and most­ly prac­ticed in Bangladesh , not In west Bengal.UNESCO has recent­ly declared Tra­di­tion­al art of Jam­dani weav­ing as Intan­gi­ble cul­tur­al her­itage Men­tion­ing Bangladesh as the state par­ty of Ori­gin.(

  • Basma says:

    The cross stitch embroi­dery shown on Pak­istan map, south next to the Ral­li , is not Pak­istani work, it’s sure­ly cross stitch but it’s a known Pales­tin­ian motif. Per­haps they did­n’t read the title well since they both start with a “P”

  • Maggie says:

    Under a Grand Title,”Open Cul­ture” I was sad­dened by the pet­ty com­ments that were made!
    I was hap­py to see the depic­tions of India and Pak­istan in ‘fab­ric’ and ‘stitch­es’.
    Unless this was. PhD assign­ment, enough of the critisim.
    Embroi­dery, fab­ric, art, craft?
    India first? Pak­istan, no Bangladesh?
    Cre­ative peo­ple don’t neg­a­tive­ly crit­i­cize the work of oth­er cre­ative peo­ple!

  • Sharon Kleefield says:

    Can you advise how and where to pur­chase col­or­ful map of Indi­an tex­tiles

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