Antti Lipponen, a researcher at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, gathered historical data from NASA and produced a short video effectively showing that, from 1900 through 2016, the temperature has steadily gotten warmer worldwide. Each spoke of the wheel represents one of 191 different countries. And the hotter the color (e.g. oranges and reds), the warmer the temperature. You can get a closer look at the historical progression here. The materials have been released under a Creative Commons license on Flickr.
Note: If you want to better understand the science of Global Warming, we’d recommend watching the lectures from this free Global Warming course from the University of Chicago:
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Global Warming: A Free Course from UChicago Explains Climate Change
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Asi es…Despues de un calentamiento breve viene un enfriamiento prolongado. Asi fue desde 10,000 aC.