Back in 2015, The British MuseÂum gave the world online access to the RosetÂta Stone, along with 4,700 othÂer artiÂfacts in the great LonÂdon museÂum. But that access was only in 2D.
Now they’ve upped the ante and pubÂlished a 3D modÂel of the RosetÂta Stone and 200+ othÂer essenÂtial items in the museÂum’s colÂlecÂtions. “This scan was part of our largÂer attempt to capÂture as many of our iconÂic pieces from the colÂlecÂtion — and indeed the unseen in store objects — and make them availÂable for peoÂple to view in 3D or in more tacÂtile forms,” Daniel Pett, a British MuseÂum advisÂer told DigÂiÂtal Trends.
OthÂer 3D modÂels you might want to check out include the granÂite head of AmenÂemhat III, a porÂtrait bust of Sir Robert Bruce CotÂton, and a statÂue of Roy, High Priest of Amun.
Note: If you put your mouse on the objects and swivÂel on your trackÂpad, you can see difÂferÂent sides of the artiÂfacts. CreÂatÂed with a comÂpaÂny called SketchÂfab, the 3D modÂels are all availÂable to downÂload. You can also see them in virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty. (Look for the litÂtle “View in VR” icon at the botÂtom of each image.)
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
This is absoluteÂly amazÂing.,
Not only the qualÂiÂty of the way it’s been done, with the light shiftÂing as you move it, but the resÂoÂluÂtion and detail it’s posÂsiÂble to see. On a touch device you feel as if you have these objects actuÂalÂly in your hands.
Every now and again,once on a while on the InterÂnet, you see someÂthing that you know has changed the game. The future of museÂums is right here.