What’s direcÂtor Michel Gondry up to these days? ApparÂentÂly, tryÂing to show that you can do smart things–like make seriÂous movies–with that smartÂphone in your pockÂet. The direcÂtor of EterÂnal SunÂshine of the SpotÂless Mind and the Noam ChomÂsky aniÂmatÂed docÂuÂmenÂtary Is the Man Who Is Tall HapÂpy? has just released “DĂ©tour,” a short film shot pureÂly on his iPhone 7 Plus. SubÂtiÂtled in EngÂlish, “DĂ©tour” runs about 12 minÂutes and folÂlows “the advenÂtures of a small triÂcyÂcle as it sets off along French roads in search of its young ownÂer.” Watch it, then ask yourÂself, was this realÂly not made with a traÂdiÂtionÂal camÂera? And then ask yourÂself, what’s my excuse for not getÂting out there and makÂing movies?
AccordÂing to Europe 1, the film took about two weeks to make, durÂing which Gondry used the video softÂware Filmic Pro, which costs $14.99 in Apple’s app store.
“DĂ©tour” will be added to our colÂlecÂtion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & More.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
French FilmÂmakÂer Michel Gondry CreÂates a Steamy New Music Video for The White Stripes
This is wonÂderÂful. For the record, the 2014 film, And Uneasy Likes the Mind was the first feaÂture to be shot entireÂly on an iPhone, by Director/Producer/Cinematographer Ricky FosÂheim
Well peoÂple were shootÂing films on mobile phones before Ricky- the base of the artiÂcle is that it is the 1st major movie direcÂtor to have proÂduced a project soleÂly using an iPhone 7. WhereÂas Ricky is an unknown filmÂmakÂer outÂside of a small-niche audiÂence.
It is realÂly great, but while the video files may have been acquired with an iPhone, clearÂly there was more going on with Sound and VFX.
One of the truths of filmÂmakÂing is that audiÂences will forÂgive a bad picÂture (ie Blair Witch Project) but they are unforÂgivÂing when it comes to sound. This iPhone movie soundÂed great, which means he had to have mic’d his talÂent traÂdiÂtionÂalÂly and not relied on the built-in mic. And of course the final soundÂtrack was rich with crisp diaÂlogue, fx, and music.
The video qualÂiÂty was pretÂty good all things conÂsidÂered. I was expectÂing this to be someÂthing he ran out to shoot all on his own, but the final credÂits betray the truth. Which begs the quesÂtion… if you’re going to put that much effort into every othÂer eleÂment of a movie, why not just use a highÂer qualÂiÂty camÂera?
I’ve been encourÂagÂing young peoÂple (via workÂshops and after school clubs) to get more creÂative with their phones and tablets. PhoÂtogÂraÂphy, film and aniÂmaÂtion are the main ones but podÂcastÂing and now live broadÂcastÂing are popÂuÂlar.
Gondry’s film, from my perÂspecÂtive, is a great advert for the phone as a viable option for makÂing movies. I advoÂcate the iPad as a device for capÂturÂing, editÂing and sharÂing but in realÂiÂty I also use my lapÂtop for editÂing as it gives me more options.
I agree that the post proÂducÂtion almost makes the use of the iPhone as a camÂera a nonÂsense — I would love to have seen him work withÂin the conÂstraints of only using the iPad the creÂate the film, as well as titles and music.
I’m curÂrentÂly workÂing on a project with othÂer artists to do just that, using a sinÂgle iPad which will be passed from one artist to anothÂer. Watch this space – on TwitÂter I’m @OnTheSuperFly
As BriÂan says, the sound was defÂiÂniteÂly recordÂed off camÂera. It’s also worth pointÂing out that whilst the iPhone is the camÂera;
a triÂpod was used
most likeÂly a DJO Osmo Mobile for steadicam type shots
Post proÂducÂtion in a proÂfesÂsionÂal editÂing packÂage
Top Colour corÂrecÂtion, probÂaÂbly in DavinÂci Resolve
and lastÂly and most imporÂtantÂly, a great deal of expeÂriÂence and knowlÂedge in film makÂing
So yes, an iPhone 7 but it’s such a small part of the equaÂtion.
I agree with all the above comÂments. If one underÂstands the filmÂmakÂing process the realÂiÂty is more than meets the eye.
The gimÂmick was to sell the film (via a plug/sponsorship with Apple) and hype up the indie/guerrilla process of the makÂing, but the realÂiÂty is the actuÂal proÂducÂtion costs and post-proÂducÂtion budÂget would’ve made the comÂplete budÂget in excess of over $100k Euros.
This direcÂtor is like so late to film on handÂheld device. I Shot a short film on android, editÂed, no vfx and sound twitchÂes. That was for the 2015 48hour project.so this is him copyÂing me essenÂtialÂly
A very interÂestÂing short film. Such an advenÂture of a chilÂdren’s bike, with a change of ownÂer. It was even a litÂtle sad when the girl was bought a new, suitÂable bike for her age. Super!