The New YorkÂer has postÂed a very neat split-screen tour of the same streets in New York City, letÂting you see the Big Apple in the 1930s and today. Times Square, CenÂtral Park, the BrookÂlyn Bridge–they’re all on disÂplay. What a difÂferÂence 80 years make.
Below you can find othÂer hisÂtorÂiÂcal videos and phoÂtos of NYC … and LonÂdon and Berlin too. Enjoy.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
An Online Gallery of Over 900,000 BreathÂtakÂing PhoÂtos of HisÂtoric New York City
1905 Video Shows New York City SubÂway TravÂelÂing From 14th St. to 42nd Street
EarÂly Films of New York City
New York City: A Social HisÂtoÂry (A Free Online Course from N.Y.U.)
Berlin Street Scenes BeauÂtiÂfulÂly Caught on Film (1900–1914)
1927 LonÂdon Shown in MovÂing ColÂor
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Back then there were more horsÂes and trolÂleys. Today, there are more bikes and runÂners.