In searchÂing for a treaÂsure trove of pubÂliÂcaÂtions springÂing from the avant-garde, delibÂerÂateÂly irraÂtional, earÂly 20th-cenÂtuÂry EuroÂpean “anti-art” art moveÂment known as Dada, where would you first look? Many corÂners of the world’s hisÂtoric culÂturÂal capÂiÂtals may come right to mind, but might we sugÂgest the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Iowa? Even if you don’t feel like travÂelÂing to the midÂdle of the UnitÂed States to plunge into an archive of highÂly purÂposeÂful nonÂsense, you can view their impresÂsive colÂlecÂtion of Dada periÂodÂiÂcals (36 in total), books, leaflets, and ephemera online.
“FoundÂed in 1979 as part of the Dada Archive and Research CenÂter, the InterÂnaÂtionÂal Dada Archive is a scholÂarÂly resource for the study of the hisÂtoric Dada moveÂment,” says its front page. The colÂlecÂtion conÂtains “works by and about the Dadaists includÂing books, artiÂcles, microÂfilmed manÂuÂscript colÂlecÂtions, videÂoÂrecordÂings, sound recordÂings, and online resources,” and in its digÂiÂtal form it “proÂvides links to scanned images of origÂiÂnal Dada-era pubÂliÂcaÂtions in the InterÂnaÂtionÂal Dada Archive,” includÂing the influÂenÂtial Dada and 291, as well as “many of the major periÂodÂiÂcals of the Dada moveÂment from Zurich, Berlin, Paris, and elseÂwhere, as well as books, exhiÂbiÂtion catÂaÂlogs, and broadÂsides by parÂticÂiÂpants in the Dada moveÂment.” (Note: if you click on magÂaÂzines in the colÂlecÂtion, you can downÂload the varÂiÂous pages.)
The hisÂtoÂry of the archive, writÂten by TimÂoÂthy Shipe, also addressÂes an imporÂtant quesÂtion: “Why Iowa? One answer lies in a clear affinÂiÂty between the Dada moveÂment and this UniÂverÂsiÂty. The interÂnaÂtionÂalÂist, mulÂtiÂlinÂgual, mulÂtiÂmeÂdia nature of Dada makes Iowa, with its InterÂnaÂtionÂal WritÂers’ ProÂgram, its WritÂers’ WorkÂshop, its CenÂter for GlobÂal StudÂies, its TransÂlaÂtion WorkÂshop and CenÂter, its dynamÂic proÂgrams in music, dance, art, theÂater, film, litÂerÂaÂture, and lanÂguages, an espeÂcialÂly approÂpriÂate place to house the Dada Archive. A brief glance at the hisÂtoÂry of Dada will make this affinÂiÂty clear.”
You can learn more about that hisÂtoÂry from the Dada mateÂrÂiÂal we’ve preÂviÂousÂly feaÂtured here on Open CulÂture: the video series The ABCs of Dada which explains the moveÂment (or at least explains it as well as anyÂone can hope to); the mateÂrÂiÂal we gathÂered in celÂeÂbraÂtion of its hunÂdredth anniverÂsary last year; and three essenÂtial Dadaist films by Hans Richter, Man Ray, and MarÂcel Duchamp. That will put into clearÂer conÂtext the 36 jourÂnals you can peruse in the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Iowa’s DigÂiÂtal Dada Archive, some of which put out many issues, some of which stopped after the first, and all of which offer a glimpse of an artisÂtic spirÂit, scatÂtered across sevÂerÂal difÂferÂent counÂtries, which flared up briefly but brightÂly with anarÂchic enerÂgy, destrucÂtive creÂativÂiÂty, a forÂward-lookÂing aesÂthetÂic sense, and no small amount of humor.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The ABCs of Dada Explains the AnarÂchic, IrraÂtional “Anti-Art” MoveÂment of Dadaism
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities and culÂture. He’s at work on the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles, the video series The City in CinÂeÂma, the crowdÂfundÂed jourÂnalÂism project Where Is the City of the Future?, and the Los AngeÂles Review of Books’ Korea Blog. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
It is interÂestÂing to see my name used for busiÂness, don’t worÂry I am not claimÂing royÂalÂty, if I have any. Just interÂestÂed to know what made you use the name Dada.
Dada or Dadaism was a form of artisÂtic anarÂchy born out of disÂgust for the social, politÂiÂcal and culÂturÂal valÂues of the time. It embraced eleÂments of art, music, poetÂry, theÂatre, dance and polÂiÂtics. Dada was not so much a style of art like Cubism or FauÂvism; it was more a protest moveÂment with an anti-estabÂlishÂment manÂiÂfesto.
its sad that you do not know about The Dadaists !!! its HisÂtoÂry!! IgnoÂrance defÂiÂniteÂly is not bliss !!
Ask TrisÂtan Tzara.
I am interÂestÂed in dada and surÂreÂalÂism
Could you give a pricelist of the dada magÂaÂzins etc.?
I’m readÂing the new bio of TrisÂtan Tzara by MarÂius HenÂtea,
“The Real Life and CelesÂtial AdvenÂtures of TrisÂtan Tzara.
LookÂing forÂward to seeÂing the dADa pubÂliÂcaÂtions menÂtioned
in the book on your site. AweÂsome.
Did you actuÂalÂly read the artiÂcle? It cerÂtainÂly doesÂn’t seem like it.