It’s no secret that cliÂmate change has been takÂing a toll on the ArcÂtic. But it’s one thing to read about it, anothÂer thing to see it in action. Above you can watch an aniÂmaÂtion narÂratÂed by NASA’s cryosÂpherÂic sciÂenÂtist Dr. Walt Meier. DocÂuÂmentÂing changes between 1984 and 2016, the aniÂmaÂtion lets you see the ArcÂtic sea ice shrinkÂing. As the imporÂtant perenÂniÂal sea ice diminÂishÂes, the remainÂing ice covÂer “almost looks gelatiÂnous as it pulsÂes through the seaÂsons.” For anyÂone interÂestÂed, an updatÂed verÂsion of this visuÂalÂizaÂtion can be downÂloaded in HD here.
If you’re curiÂous what this could all lead to–well, you can also watch a harÂrowÂing video that modÂels what would hapÂpen when all the ice melts and the seas rise some 216 feet. It isn’t pretÂty. The video below is based on the 2013 NationÂal GeoÂgraphÂic stoÂry, “What the World Would Look Like if All the Ice MeltÂed.”
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
GlobÂal WarmÂing: A Free Course from UChicaÂgo Explains CliÂmate Change
132 Years of GlobÂal WarmÂing VisuÂalÂized in 26 DraÂmatÂiÂcalÂly AniÂmatÂed SecÂonds
A Song of Our WarmÂing PlanÂet: CelÂlist Turns 130 Years of CliÂmate Change Data into Music
Frank Capra’s SciÂence Film The Unchained GodÂdess Warns of CliÂmate Change in 1958
HelÂlo, great artiÂcle although a bit conÂfusÂing for those who do not know the difÂferÂence between sea ice and land based ice. And their influÂence (or lack of) on sea levÂel rise. Please make this clearÂer!