The Frida Kahlo Action Figure

Ear­li­er this week, an orga­ni­za­tion called “Today Is Art Day” launched a Kick­starter cam­paign to pro­duce the lat­est in a line of action fig­ures. First came the Vin­cent van Gogh action fig­ure. Now, join­ing him in the ‘Art His­to­ry Heroes Col­lec­tion,’ there will be a Fri­da Kahlo fig­ure. (Yes, they’ve already raised $19,490, sur­pass­ing their $14,585 goal.) Stand­ing 5 inch­es tall, made of high qual­i­ty plas­tic, Fri­da will come with a mon­key attached to her back, and a detach­able sur­re­al­ist heart. Expect deliv­ery in Sep­tem­ber.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

1933 Arti­cle on Fri­da Kahlo: “Wife of the Mas­ter Mur­al Painter Glee­ful­ly Dab­bles in Works of Art”

Fri­da Kahlo’s Col­or­ful Clothes Revealed for the First Time & Pho­tographed by Ishi­uchi Miyako

Fri­da Kahlo and Diego Rivera Vis­it Leon Trot­sky in Mex­i­co, 1938

The Artist as Artist’s Mod­el: Au Naturel Por­traits of Fri­da Kahlo Tak­en by Art Patron Julien Levy (1938)

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